
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control


Bounce Property, SftButton Object

Defines the control's visual response to a mouse click.



VB.NETStyle = object.Bounce As SftButtonBounceStyleConstants
VBStyle = object.Bounce As SftButtonBounceStyleConstants
C#.NETSftButtonBounceStyleConstants Style = object.Bounce;
VC++enum SftButtonBounceStyleConstants Style = object->Bounce;
enum SftButtonBounceStyleConstants Style = object->GetBounce();
CHRESULT object->get_Bounce(enum SftButtonBounceStyleConstants* Style);


VB.NETobject.Bounce = Style As SftButtonBounceStyleConstants
VBobject.Bounce = Style As SftButtonBounceStyleConstants
C#.NETSftButtonBounceStyleConstants object.Bounce = Style;
VC++enum SftButtonBounceStyleConstants object->Bounce = Style;
void object->PutBounce(enum SftButtonBounceStyleConstants Style);
CHRESULT object->put_Bounce(enum SftButtonBounceStyleConstants Style);


A SftButton object.


Defines the control's visual response to a mouse click.

bounceSftButtonDefault0Default - If Windows themes are in effect, bounceSftButtonNo applies. Otherwise, without Windows themes, bounceSftButtonYes applies.
bounceSftButtonYes1Yes - The control reflects the mouse click by painting the control contents offset by one pixel while the mouse button is pressed.
bounceSftButtonNo2No - A mouse click does not cause the control contents to be repainted.


The Bounce property defines the control's visual response to a mouse click.

The graphics components also reflect mouse clicks using the Image1Pressed and Image2Pressed properties (if defined).

The Bounce property does not apply to the drop down button.



    ' initialize a SftButton control to look like a check box
    AxSftButtonCheck.BorderAlways = False
#If VisualStudio2003AndEarlier Then
    AxSftButtonCheck.AutoSize = SftButtonAutoSizeConstants.autosizeSftButtonLeftCenter
    AxSftButtonCheck.CtlAutoSize = SftButtonAutoSizeConstants.autosizeSftButtonLeftCenter
#End If
    AxSftButtonCheck.Bounce = SftButtonBounceStyleConstants.bounceSftButtonNo
    AxSftButtonCheck.ButtonStyle = SftButtonStyleConstants.styleSftButtonNone
    AxSftButtonCheck.ClickStyle = SftButtonClickStyleConstants.clickstyleSftButtonPictures
    AxSftButtonCheck.HoverStyle = SftButtonHoverStyleConstants.hoverstyleSftButtonExact
    AxSftButtonCheck.Image1.Appearance = SftPictureImageConstants.sftImageCheckboxYes
    AxSftButtonCheck.Text = "A SftButton control that looks like a check box with a caption"
    AxSftButtonCheck.ShowFocus = False
End Sub


    ' save the button size to demonstrate auto-sizing
    savedWidth = SftButton2.Width
    savedHeight = SftButton2.Height
    savedYPos = SftButton2.Top

    ' initialize a SftButton control to look like a check box
    SftButtonCheck.BorderAlways = False
    SftButtonCheck.AutoSize = autosizeSftButtonLeftCenter
    SftButtonCheck.Bounce = bounceSftButtonNo
    SftButtonCheck.ButtonStyle = styleSftButtonNone
    SftButtonCheck.ClickStyle = clickstyleSftButtonPictures
    SftButtonCheck.HoverStyle = hoverstyleSftButtonExact
    SftButtonCheck.Image1.Appearance = sftImageCheckboxYes
    SftButtonCheck.Text = "A SftButton control that looks like a check box with a caption"
    SftButtonCheck.ShowFocus = False
End Sub


    // initialize a SftButton control to look like a check box
    axSftButtonCheck.BorderAlways = false;
#if VisualStudio2003AndEarlier
    axSftButtonCheck.AutoSize = SftButtonAutoSizeConstants.autosizeSftButtonLeftCenter;
    axSftButtonCheck.CtlAutoSize = SftButtonAutoSizeConstants.autosizeSftButtonLeftCenter;
    axSftButtonCheck.Bounce = SftButtonBounceStyleConstants.bounceSftButtonNo;
    axSftButtonCheck.ButtonStyle = SftButtonStyleConstants.styleSftButtonNone;
    axSftButtonCheck.ClickStyle = SftButtonClickStyleConstants.clickstyleSftButtonPictures;
    axSftButtonCheck.HoverStyle = SftButtonHoverStyleConstants.hoverstyleSftButtonExact;
    axSftButtonCheck.Image1.Appearance = SftPictureImageConstants.sftImageCheckboxYes;
    axSftButtonCheck.Text = "A SftButton control that looks like a check box with a caption";
    axSftButtonCheck.ShowFocus = false;


    // save the button size to demonstrate auto-sizing

    m_CtlButton2.MapWindowPoints(this, &m_savedRect);

    // initialize a SftButton control to look like a check box
    m_vButtonCheck->BorderAlways = VARIANT_FALSE;
    m_vButtonCheck->AutoSize = autosizeSftButtonLeftCenter;
    m_vButtonCheck->Bounce = bounceSftButtonNo;
    m_vButtonCheck->ButtonStyle = styleSftButtonNone;
    m_vButtonCheck->ClickStyle = clickstyleSftButtonPictures;
    m_vButtonCheck->HoverStyle = hoverstyleSftButtonExact;
    m_vButtonCheck->Image1->Appearance = sftImageCheckboxYes;
    m_vButtonCheck->Text = "A SftButton control that looks like a check box with a caption";
    m_vButtonCheck->ShowFocus = VARIANT_FALSE;

See Also SftButton Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.