
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control


AllowEmptyWithoutMask Property, SftMask Object

Defines whether the contents are optional when no mask is defined (control contents are valid even if empty).



VB.NETBoolean = object.AllowEmptyWithoutMask As Boolean
VBBoolean = object.AllowEmptyWithoutMask As Boolean
C#.NETbool Boolean = object.AllowEmptyWithoutMask;
VC++VARIANT_BOOL Boolean = object->AllowEmptyWithoutMask;
VARIANT_BOOL Boolean = object->GetAllowEmptyWithoutMask();
CHRESULT object->get_AllowEmptyWithoutMask(VARIANT_BOOL* Boolean);


VB.NETobject.AllowEmptyWithoutMask = Boolean As Boolean
VBobject.AllowEmptyWithoutMask = Boolean As Boolean
C#.NETbool object.AllowEmptyWithoutMask = Boolean;
VC++VARIANT_BOOL object->AllowEmptyWithoutMask = Boolean;
void object->PutAllowEmptyWithoutMask(VARIANT_BOOL Boolean);
CHRESULT object->put_AllowEmptyWithoutMask(VARIANT_BOOL Boolean);


A SftMask object.


Defines whether the contents are optional when no mask is defined (control contents are valid even if empty).

TrueThe control contents are optional.
FalseThe control contents are not optional and must be entered.


The AllowEmptyWithoutMask property defines whether the contents are optional when no mask is defined (control contents are valid even if empty).

This property is only used when the Mask property defines an input mask. Otherwise, the AllowEmpty property is used instead. It is usually best to set the AllowEmpty and AllowEmptyWithoutMask properties to the same value.

If AllowEmptyWithoutMask is set to False, the contents are considered invalid if the control is empty and the user has not entered any data.

The Contents.Valid and Contents.ValidMsg properties can be used to test the contents.

The ValidationError event occurs when invalid input is detected.

See Also SftMask Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.