
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control


FormatCurrencyV Method, SftMaskCalculator Object

Converts a value into a displayable currency string.


VB.NETobject.FormatCurrencyV(ByVal Val As Double, ByVal FracDigits As Short, ByVal LeadZero As Short, ByVal Grouping As Short, ByVal DecimalSep As String, ByVal ThousandSep As String, ByVal NegativeOrder As Short, ByVal PositiveOrder As Short, ByVal CurrencySymbol As String, ByRef Text As Object)
VBobject.FormatCurrencyV(ByVal Val As Double, ByVal FracDigits As Integer, ByVal LeadZero As Integer, ByVal Grouping As Integer, ByVal DecimalSep As String, ByVal ThousandSep As String, ByVal NegativeOrder As Integer, ByVal PositiveOrder As Integer, ByVal CurrencySymbol As String, Text As Variant)
C#.NETvoid object.FormatCurrencyV(double Val, short FracDigits, short LeadZero, short Grouping, string DecimalSep, string ThousandSep, short NegativeOrder, short PositiveOrder, string CurrencySymbol, out object Text);
VC++HRESULT object->FormatCurrencyV(double Val, short FracDigits, short LeadZero, short Grouping, _bstr_t DecimalSep, _bstr_t ThousandSep, short NegativeOrder, short PositiveOrder, _bstr_t CurrencySymbol, const _variant_t&* Text);
CHRESULT object->raw_FormatCurrencyV(double Val, short FracDigits, short LeadZero, short Grouping, BSTR DecimalSep, BSTR ThousandSep, short NegativeOrder, short PositiveOrder, BSTR CurrencySymbol, VARIANT* Text);


A SftMaskCalculator object.


A Double. This value is formatted as a string using the provided attributes and returned in Text.


The number of desired fractional digits (0-99) or -1. If -1 is specified, the user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS).


1 if leading zeros are desired, otherwise 0. If -1 is specified, the user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_ILZERO).


Specifies the size of each group of digits to the left of the decimal point (0-9). If -1 is specified, the user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_SMONGROUPING).


The decimal separator string (up to four characters). If an empty string is specified, the user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP).


The thousands (group) separator string (up to five characters). If an empty string is specified, the user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP).


The display mode for negative values (0-15). If -1 is specified, the user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_INEGCURR).

-1The user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_INEGCURR)
0($1.1)Left parenthesis, monetary symbol, number, right parenthesis
1-$1.1Negative sign, monetary symbol, number
2$-1.1Monetary symbol, negative sign, number
3$1.1-Monetary symbol, number, negative sign
4(1.1$)Left parenthesis, number, monetary symbol, right parenthesis
5-1.1$Negative sign, number, monetary symbol
61.1-$Number, negative sign, monetary symbol
71.1$-Number, monetary symbol, negative sign
8-1.1 $Negative sign, number, space, monetary symbol (like 5, but with a space before the monetary symbol)
9-$ 1.1Negative sign, monetary symbol, space, number (like 1, but with a space after the monetary symbol)
101.1 $-Number, space, monetary symbol, negative sign (like 7, but with a space before the monetary symbol)
11$ 1.1-Monetary symbol, space, number, negative sign (like 3, but with a space after the monetary symbol)
12$ -1.1Monetary symbol, space, negative sign, number (like 2, but with a space after the monetary symbol)
131.1- $Number, negative sign, space, monetary symbol (like 6, but with a space before the monetary symbol)
14($ 1.1)Left parenthesis, monetary symbol, space, number, right parenthesis (like 0, but with a space after the monetary symbol)
15(1.1 $)Left parenthesis, number, space, monetary symbol, right parenthesis (like 4, but with a space before the monetary symbol)


The display mode for positive values (0-3). If -1 is specified, the user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_ICURRENCY).

-1The user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_ICURRENCY)
0$1.1Prefix, no separation
11.1$Suffix, no separation
2$ 1.1Prefix, 1-character separation
31.1 $Suffix, 1-character separation


The currency symbol string (up to six characters). If an empty string is specified, the user locale is used (see GetLocaleInfo, LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP). If the string "none" is specified, no currency string is used.


The formatted string is returned in the Text argument.


The FormatCurrencyV method converts a value into a displayable currency string.

Calculator.FormatNumberV is used to format numbers without currency attributes.

FormatCurrencyV is used for languages such as VBScript, which are limited by requiring Variant arguments and do not support strongly typed arguments for return values. For more information please see Using SftMask/OCX with Internet Explorer.

See Also SftMaskCalculator Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.