
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control for VB6



A tab control with a single row of tabs (Tabs.Rows) offers optional scroll buttons, a Minimize button, a Restore button and a Close button.

Close, Minimize, Restore Button

The Close button, Minimize button and Restore button do not require the presence of scroll buttons. These buttons are optional and can be individually controlled.

The Close button can be used instead of a form's Close button or it can generate a Closing event, based on the Scrolling.CloseButtonAuto property. The Minimize and Restore buttons generate Minimizing and Restoring events.

Scrolling.ButtonBackColorDefines the button background color.
Scrolling.ButtonBorderColorDefines the button border color.
Scrolling.ButtonHighlightColorDefines the button highlight color.
Scrolling.ButtonShadowColorDefines the button shadow color.
Scrolling.ButtonStyleDefines the button appearance.
Scrolling.CloseButtonDefines whether a Close button is available.
Scrolling.CloseButtonAlignmentDefines the Close button, the Minimize button and the Restore button alignment.
Scrolling.CloseButtonAutoDefines whether the Close button automatically closes the form or a Closing event is generated.
Scrolling.CloseButtonEnabledDefines whether the Close button is enabled.
Scrolling.CloseButtonFullSizeDefines whether the Close button, the Minimize button and the Restore button are as large as a tab.
Scrolling.MinimizeButtonDefines whether a Minimize button is available.
Scrolling.MinimizeButtonEnabledDefines whether the Minimize button is enabled.
Scrolling.Picture2Defines the Close button, Minimize button and Restore button graphic.
Scrolling.Picture2DisabledDefines the Close button, Minimize button and Restore button graphic for a disabled button.
Scrolling.RestoreButtonDefines whether a Restore button is available.
Scrolling.RestoreButtonEnabledDefines whether the Restore button is enabled.
Scrolling.ToolTipCloseButtonDefines the ToolTip for the Close button.
Scrolling.ToolTipMinimizeButtonDefines the ToolTip for the Minimize button.
Scrolling.ToolTipRestoreButtonDefines the ToolTip for the Restore button.

Scroll Buttons

The scroll buttons are optional and can be enabled using the Scrolling.Style property.

Scrolling.ButtonAlignmentDefines the button alignment.
Scrolling.ButtonBackColorDefines the button background color.
Scrolling.ButtonBorderColorDefines the button border color.
Scrolling.ButtonHighlightColorDefines the button highlight color.
Scrolling.ButtonShadowColorDefines the button shadow color.
Scrolling.ButtonStyleDefines the button appearance.
Scrolling.FullSizeDefines whether scroll buttons are as large as a tab.
Scrolling.LeftButtonReturns a value indicating whether the left scroll button is enabled.
Scrolling.PictureDefines the scroll button graphic.
Scrolling.PictureDisabledDefines the scroll button graphic for a disabled button.
Scrolling.RightButtonReturns a value indicating whether the right scroll button is enabled.
Scrolling.ScrollScrolls the tabs in a given direction.
Scrolling.StyleDefines the control's scrolling style.
Scrolling.ToolTipLeftButtonDefines the ToolTip for the left/up scroll button.
Scrolling.ToolTipRightButtonDefines the ToolTip for the right/down scroll button.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
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