
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control for VB6


SftTabs.TabClicked Event

A new tab was clicked and is about to become active.


VBPrivate Sub object_TabClicked(ByVal DblClick As Boolean, ByVal TabClicked As Integer, ByVal TabArea As SftTabsTabAreaConstants)


A SftTabsEvents object.


True if a mouse button double-click occurred, False if the mouse button was clicked once.


The zero-based index of the tab that was clicked.


Describes the area within the tab that was clicked.

tabareaSftTabsTab0Tab - The tab was clicked, but outside the text or image portion of the tab.
tabareaSftTabsText1Text - The text portion of the tab was clicked.
tabareaSftTabsImage2Image - The image portion of the tab was clicked.
tabareaSftTabsImage23Image2 - The second image portion of the tab was clicked. The second image is used to implement tab close buttons, which generate the TabClicked event with a TabArea argument of tabareaSftTabsImage2.


The TabClicked event occurs when a new tab was clicked and is about to become active. Tab switching only occurs in response to the left mouse button.

While handling the TabClicked event, the application can suppress any further handling of the mouse click event by calling the CancelMode method. This suppresses the subsequent Switching and Switched events and prevents tab switching.


This example adds a checkbox to the second tab. Clicking on the checkbox doesn't change the active tab (because of the call to CancelMode), but toggles the checkbox instead.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    With SftTabs1.Direct
        .Style = styleSftTabsModernTop
        .Tab(1).Image.Appearance = sftImageCheckboxNo
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub SftTabs1_TabClicked(ByVal DblClick As Boolean, ByVal TabClicked As Integer, ByVal TabArea As SftTabsLib.SftTabsTabAreaConstants)
    With SftTabs1.Direct
        If TabArea = tabareaSftTabsImage Then
            If .Tab(TabClicked).Image.Appearance = sftImageCheckboxNo Then
                .Tab(TabClicked).Image.Appearance = sftImageCheckboxYes
            ElseIf .Tab(TabClicked).Image.Appearance = sftImageCheckboxYes Then
                .Tab(TabClicked).Image.Appearance = sftImageCheckboxNo
            End If
        End If
    End With
End Sub

See Also SftTabsEvents Object | Object Hierarchy