
SftTabs/DLL 6.5 - Tab Control



SftTabs/DLL includes sample code for both C and C++.

The samples listed in the following table can be found in the folder "\Program Files (x86)\Softelvdm\SftTabs DLL 6.5\Samples". These samples are also referenced throughout the documentation.


C SampleDescription
C Dialog SampleIllustrates a simple tabbed dialog with nested tabs, some graphics, transition effects.
C Images SampleIllustrates GDI+ images, bitmaps, icons, checkboxes and image handling techniques.
C Special SampleIllustrates a tree control used to switch between different pages (in an invisible wizard-style tab control).
C Window SampleIllustrates a tabbed window.


C++ Dialog SampleIllustrates a simple tabbed dialog with nested tabs, some graphics, transition effects.
C++ Features 1 SampleIllustrates a background bitmap (outside tab control) and owner-draw tabs.
C++ Images SampleIllustrates GDI+ images, bitmaps, icons, checkboxes and image handling techniques.
C++ MDI SampleIllustrates an MDI application with a tab control to select the active document.
C++ SDI SampleIllustrates an SDI application using a tab control on its document view.
C++ Wizard 1 SampleIllustrates a tabbed dialog with a wizard-style tab control.
C++ Wizard 2 SampleIllustrates a tabbed dialog with a wizard-style tab control.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
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