
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control



SftButton/OCX includes sample code for both VB.NET, C#, VB6 and C++/MFC. Even though C samples are not included, the Syntax section for properties, methods and events also shows the C syntax.

The following samples can be found in the folder C:\Program Files\Softelvdm\SftButton OCX 3.0\Samples:


VB.NET Animations SampleIllustrates AVI animations with AVIPlay method.
VB.NET Images SampleIllustrates button states and images.
VB.NET Label SampleIllustrates various button labels, text, images.
VB.NET Popup SampleIllustrates drop down buttons and popup menus.
VB.NET Runtime SampleIllustrates setting design-time properties at run-time.
VB.NET Special SampleIllustrates special effects.
VB.NET Toggle SampleIllustrates toggle buttons.


C# Animations SampleIllustrates AVI animations with AVIPlay method.
C# Images SampleIllustrates button states and images.
C# Label SampleIllustrates various button labels, text, images.
C# Popup SampleIllustrates drop down buttons and popup menus.
C# Runtime SampleIllustrates setting design-time properties at run-time.
C# Special SampleIllustrates special effects.
C# Toggle SampleIllustrates toggle buttons.


C++ Animations SampleIllustrates AVI animations with AVIPlay method.
C++ Images SampleIllustrates button states and images.
C++ Label SampleIllustrates various button labels, text, images.
C++ Popup SampleIllustrates drop down buttons and popup menus.
C++ Runtime SampleIllustrates setting design-time properties at run-time.
C++ Special SampleIllustrates special effects.
C++ Toggle SampleIllustrates toggle buttons.


VB6 Animations SampleIllustrates AVI animations with AVIPlay method.
VB6 Images SampleIllustrates button states and images.
VB6 Label SampleIllustrates various button labels, text, images.
VB6 Popup SampleIllustrates drop down buttons and popup menus.
VB6 Runtime SampleIllustrates setting design-time properties at run-time.
VB6 Special SampleIllustrates special effects.
VB6 Toggle SampleIllustrates toggle buttons.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.