
SftPrintPreview/DLL 2.0 - Print Preview Control for C/C++


C++ Classes

CSftPrintPreviewControl class
CSftPrintPreview_MainWindow with Print Preview support
CSftPrintPreview_ViewPrint Preview Window

CSftPrintPreview Class

CheckMarginsPrintableReturns whether the specified margins are within the printer's printable area.
CheckMarginsPrintableExternalReturns whether the specified margins are within the printer's printable area.
CreateCreates a Print Preview control window and attaches it to the CSftPrintPreview object.
CreateExCreates a Print Preview control window and attaches it to the CSftPrintPreview object.
CSftPrintPreviewStandard constructor.
DefaultPrinterRestores the default printer for this application.
GetBitmapSizeRetrieves the display and print size of a device dependent bitmap.
GetControlInfoRetrieves the Print Preview control attributes.
GetCtlColorsRetrieves the Print Preview control's color attributes.
GetCurrentPrinterReturns the current printer name and a string representing printer settings.
GetDefaultPrinterReturns the default printer as defined by Windows.
GetOrientationReturns the current printer's page orientation.
GetPrinterInfoRetrieves the current printer settings.
HitTestDetermines the area at a given location.
IsDefaultPrinterExternalReturns whether the passed printer structure defines the default printer.
PageSetupInvokes the built-in Page Setup dialog, used to define the page layout (margins, headers, etc.).
PrintPrints the contents.
PrintBitmapDisplays/prints a device dependent bitmap.
PrintDialogInvokes the Print dialog for printer and page range selection.
PrintSetupInvokes the Print Setup dialog for printer settings definition.
PrintSetupExternalInvokes the Print Setup dialog for printer settings definition.
RegisterAppRegisters the calling application for use of SftPrintPreview/DLL controls.
RestartForces the repositioning of all preview pages and clearing of any cached information.
SetControlInfoDefines the Print Preview control attributes.
SetCtlColorsDefines the Print Preview control's color attributes.
SetCurrentPrinterDefines the current printer and optionally defines printer settings.
SetPrinterInfoDefines the current printer settings.
ToolBarEditSets the input focus to a control on the built-in tool bar for editing by the user.
UnregisterAppUnregisters the application from SftPrintPreview/DLL.
ZoomRedefines the preview layout.
ZoomInRedefines the preview location (zooming in or out).
ZoomResetRestores a multi-page preview.

CSftPrintPreview_App Class

The CSftPrintPreview_App class is used by the CSftPrintPreview_Main and CSftPrintPreview_View classes to retrieve application printer settings.

The application's usual CWinApp object has to be derived from CSftPrintPreview_App instead.

CSftPrintPreview_Main Class

By using multiple inheritance, the class CSftPrintPreview_Main is used to extend an application's view or window class to add print/preview support.

FilePrintPrints the specified contents.
FilePrintPreviewCreates a Print Preview window displaying the specified contents.
OnPrintClearCacheCalled when the printed/previewed output is reformatted.
OnPrintInitializeCalled to initialize print/preview of one or more pages.
OnPrintOnePageCalled to print/preview one page.
OnPrintTerminateCalled to end print/preview of one or more pages.

CSftPrintPreview_View Class

The CSftPrintPreview_View class implements a complete Print Preview view, including SftPrintPreview control with all its features.

CustomizeControlCalled for further Print Preview control customizations.
GetAccelResourceIDCalled to obtain a keyboard accelerator table.
GetMenuResourceIDCalled to obtain a menu resource ID.
GetOutputNameCalled to obtain the current output name.
On... Menu HandlersA collection of menu command handlers, implementing user actions affecting the preview display.

See Also C/C++ API | Notifications

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.