
SftPrintPreview/DLL 2.0 - Print Preview Control for C/C++


Keyboard & Mouse Interface

Depending on the current display mode, the keyboard & mouse interface differs slightly.

Multi-Page Mode

When two or more pages are displayed at the same time, the following keys are available:

HomePositions to the first group of pages, starting at the first page. The first page becomes the current page.
EndPositions to the last group of pages, ending at the last page. The first page of the displayed pages becomes the current page.
Control+HomeSame as the Home key. Positions to the first group of pages, starting at the first page. The first page becomes the current page.
Control+EndSame as the End key. Positions to the last group of pages, ending at the last page. The first page of the displayed pages becomes the current page.
Left ArrowMoves to the previous page. The displayed group of pages is adjusted if necessary.
Right ArrowAdvances to the next page. The displayed group of pages is adjusted if necessary.
Up ArrowMoves the first page of the displayed group of pages to the previous page (or sheet in duplex mode). The current page is adjusted if necessary.
Down ArrowAdvances the first page of the displayed group of pages to the next page (or sheet in duplex mode). The current page is adjusted if necessary.
PgUpDisplays the previous group of pages. The current page is adjusted if necessary.
PgDnDisplays the next group of pages. The current page is adjusted if necessary.
+ (numeric keypad)Zooms in.
EscapeGenerates a NM_SFTPRINTPREVIEW_CLOSE_CODE notification.
ReturnGenerates a NM_SFTPRINTPREVIEW_RETURN_CODE notification.

Clicking on a displayed page with the left mouse button will switch to single page mode (zoom in).

Single Page Mode

HomePositions to the top of the current page.
EndPositions to the end of the current page.
Control+HomePositions to the top of the first page.
Control+EndPositions to the end of the last page.
Left ArrowHorizontally scrolls left on the current page.
Right ArrowHorizontally scrolls right on the current page.
Up ArrowVertically scrolls up on the current page.
Down ArrowVertically scrolls down on the current page.
PgUpVertically scrolls up on the current page. At the top of the current page, move to the bottom of the previous page.
PgDnVertically scrolls down on the current page. At the end of the current page, advance to the top of the next page.
+ (numeric keypad)Zooms in.
- (numeric keypad)Zooms out.
EscapeGenerates a NM_SFTPRINTPREVIEW_CLOSE_CODE notification.
ReturnGenerates a NM_SFTPRINTPREVIEW_RETURN_CODE notification.

Clicking on the displayed page with the left or right mouse buttons will zoom in/out, depending on the settings defined using SetControlInfo, SFTPRINTPREVIEW_CONTROL, iZoomStyle member).

When pressing the left mouse button, the page may be repositioned (dragged), depending on the settings defined using SetControlInfo, SFTPRINTPREVIEW_CONTROL, fDragPage member).

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.