SftTree/DLL 6.5


Softel vdm, Inc.

Positions the splitter bar optimally, so the left pane can display as much data as possible without a horizontal scroll bar.


void WINAPI SftTreeSplit_MakeSplitterOptimal(HWND hwndCtl);


void CSftTreeSplit::MakeSplitterOptimal();



The window handle of the tree control.


The MakeSplitterOptimal function positions the splitter bar optimally, so the left pane can display as much data as possible without a horizontal scroll bar.

MakeSplitterOptimal is only available for a split tree control.

Before using MakeSplitterOptimal, the best horizontal extent for the panes must be set using SetHorizontalExtent or RecalcHorizontalExtent.  Once set, MakeSplitterOptimal can then be used to position the splitter bar optimally, so the left pane can display as much data as possible without a horizontal scroll bar.

MakeSplitterOptimal uses the current width of the tree control window to determine the allowable position of the splitter bar.  If the tree control window is too small, the splitter bar may not be optimally set.  This is particularly noticeable if the tree control window is resized after MakeSplitterOptimal is used.

The coordinates of the splitter bar can be retrieved using GetSplitterRect.

SetSplitterWidth is used to change the width of the splitter bar.

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