SftTree/DLL 6.5

Split Tree Control - Splitter Bar

Softel vdm, Inc.

A split tree control is a tree control that has multiple columns and a splitter bar.  The splitter bar is used to separate columns so the columns can be scrolled individually.  Both the left and right panes can be scrolled horizontally.  This is most useful to lock the first column while being able to scroll the remaining columns horizontally.

A split tree control uses the window class SFTTREESPLIT_CLASS and the C++ class CSftTreeSplit.  C applications must use the functions prefixed by SftTreeSplit_. Using the incorrect C++ class or C functions will cause unpredictable behavior.

The SetSplitColumn function defines the number of columns displayed in the left pane of a split tree control.  The width of the splitter bar can be defined using SetSplitterWidth.  The number of columns displayed in the left pane is defined using SetSplitColumn.

Both panes of a split tree control are synchronized by SftTree/DLL.  Internally, the left and right panes are independent tree controls, which communicate with each other to keep their display styles and data contents synchronized.  These tree controls are child windows of the split tree control.  While the left and right panes exchange information to keep their display and attributes updated, it is possible to affect each pane individually through the window handle or object (see GetLeftWindow and GetRightWindow).

Tree Components


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