SftPrintPreview/DLL 1.0


Softel vdm, Inc.

The parent window of a tree control can receive the following event notifications using the WM_COMMAND message.  For information on the WM_COMMAND message, please see the Windows API documentation.


NotifyCode = HIWORD(wParam);
idItem = LOWORD(wParam);
hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam;

Notification Codes

General Notifications
Cell Editing Notifications
Drag & Drop Notifications
Left Mouse Button Notifications
Middle Mouse Button Notifications
Right Mouse Button Notifications

The SftTree/DLL Wizard can be used to look at notifications as they occur by clicking on the "Events" tab.


General Notifications




The item described by GetExpandCollapseIndex needs to be expanded because of the current SetAutoExpand settings or a recent call to StartAutoExpandTimer.


The caret location has changed.  The caret location describes the current item which receives the focus rectangle when the tree control has the input focus (see GetCaretIndex).  The current item is not necessarily the same as the currently selected item (see GetCurSel).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The user resized a column or the splitter bar has been moved.  GetResizeColumn can be used to determine the column being resized.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The user resized a column or the splitter bar has been moved and the column resizing operation has ended (the user released the left mouse button).


The user is about to resize a column or the splitter bar os about to be moved. The user has pressed the left mouse button on the column resizing area. GetResizeColumn can be used to determine the column being resized.


The right mouse button was clicked on the tree control.  This notification can be used to implement context menus.  Use the Windows GetCursorPos API to determine the cursor position.  Before displaying a context menu, an application should always send a WM_CANCELMODE message to the tree control.


The user has pressed the numeric keypad's "*" key to expand the current item so all its dependents are shown.  Use GetCaretIndex to retrieve the current item index.


A key stroke for a child window has been intercepted during cell editing.  Key strokes to be intercepted are defined using SetKeyHandling.  The intercepted key can be retrieved using the GetKeyHandling function.


The tree control lost the input focus.


The tree control received a WM_MOUSEMOVE message.  Use the Windows API GetCursorPos to retrieve the cursor location.


The horizontal scrolling offset has changed. The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  While processing this notification, no tree control and item attributes should be altered.


Due to the variable number of levels and the resulting hierarchical display, the width of the first column is always treated as a minimum width.  The text portion of the first column will always be at least the width specified using SetColumns, no matter what level the item is on.  This can result in the first column being much wider than the defined width.  If more levels are added to a hierarchy, the value returned by GetOverheadWidth increases.  When the overhead width changes, this notification is sent to the tree control's parent window.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The user has reordered the columnsAll column header buttons are returned to their "up" position.


The user canceled a selection.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The user has changed the current selection.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The tree control received the input focus.


The first item displayed by the control has changed.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The Return key was pressed while the tree control had the input focus.  An application can implement a custom response to this notification.  A SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_TEXT notification immediately follows the SFTTREEN_VK_RETURN notification.  If an application handles the SFTTREEN_VK_RETURN notification, the application should send a WM_CANCELMODE message to the tree control to suppress the SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_TEXT notification.

Cell Editing Notifications




This notification is used to notify the tree control's parent window that any editing of tree cells should be abandoned now.  No data validation should take place and no modifications should be made to the tree control.  This notification is only sent if the tree control currently has a child window.  The tree control generates this notification when the size or position of the child window is changing, when modifications to the tree control occur or when a menu or menu selection is about to become active.  The parent window should destroy all controls associated with cell editing.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification. 

Information specific to SftTree/DLL Windows Mobile EditionWindows Mobile Edition:  SFTTREEN_QUITEDIT is not supported.


If a cell is being edited, the parent window should now validate the data entered.  The parent window can display an error message and then set the input focus back to the control used for cell editing.  In this case, the event that caused input validation to occur, is ignored.  If the parent accepts the input data, the child control(s) should now be destroyed, the tree control updated and the input focus set to the tree control.  If the child control is not destroyed, the tree control assumes that input validation failed and cell editing continues.  This notification is only sent if the tree control currently has a child window. The tree control generates this notification when the user moves away from the child control using the mouse buttons.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.

Information specific to SftTree/DLL Windows Mobile EditionWindows Mobile Edition:  SFTTREEN_VALIDATEEDIT is not supported.

Drag & Drop Notifications




The user is starting to drag one or several items.  All items currently selected participate in the drag operation.  An application can set the mouse cursor in response to this event or cancel the drag operation.  The drag operation can be aborted by sending a WM_CANCELMODE message to the tree control or by clearing all currently selected items.  The drag operation is described by the SFTTREE_DRAGINFO structure.  The SFTTREESTYLE_DRAGDROP style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The user canceled the drag operation.  The SFTTREESTYLE_DRAGDROP style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The user is moving the mouse cursor to drag one or several items.  All items currently selected participate in the drag operation.  The drag operation is described by the SFTTREE_DRAGINFO structure.  An application can set the mouse cursor in response to this event. The SFTTREESTYLE_DRAGDROP style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The user released the mouse button.  All items currently selected participate in the drag operation.  The drag operation is described by the SFTTREE_DRAGINFO structure.  An application should process the dropped items in response to this event.  The SFTTREESTYLE_DRAGDROP style has to be defined to receive this notification.

Left Mouse Button Notifications




The left mouse button was double-clicked on the expand/collapse button of the current entry (caret location).  Use GetExpandCollapseIndex to determine the item index where the mouse button was clicked.  Use Expand and Collapse to expand/collapse the item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on a cell, but not on the cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is double-clicked on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_CELLBMP is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on a cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is double-clicked on the cell, but not on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_CELL is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on the column header.  Use GetHeaderButton to determine the header button pressed and use SetHeaderButton to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked at the right edge of the column header or the splitter bar.  Usually this notification is used to optimally resize a column using MakeColumnOptimal.  Use GetResizeColumn to determine the column number of the header.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on the item picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on the label picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on the plus/minus bitmap of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on the row header of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on the row/column header.  Use the SetRowColHeaderButton function to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was double-clicked on the cells of the current entry (caret location) or the Return key was pressed.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location. This notification is always sent for the Return key.  Instead of using this notification, SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_CELL and SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_CELLBMP can also be used.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification for mouse button clicks.


The left mouse button was double-clicked in the area of the current entry (caret location) where the connecting tree lines are drawn.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on the expand/collapse button of the current entry (caret location), the left arrow key was clicked on an expanded parent item or the right arrow key was clicked on a collapsed parent item.  Use GetExpandCollapseIndex to determine the item index.  Expand and Collapse can be used to expand/collapse the item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on a cell, but not on the cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location. If the mouse button is clicked on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDOWN_CELLBMP is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on a cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is clicked on the cell, but not on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDOWN_CELL is received instead. The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on the column header.  Use GetHeaderButton to determine the header button pressed and use SetHeaderButton to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on the item picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on the label picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on the plus/minus bitmap of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on the row header of the current item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on the row/column header.  Use the SetRowColHeaderButton function to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on the cells (any column) of the current entry (caret location).  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  Instead of using this notification, SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDOWN_CELL and SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDOWN_CELLBMP can also be used.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.


The left mouse button was clicked on a cell (any column) of an already selected item.  The notification is only generated if there is a sufficiently long pause between the first click to select the item and the second click.  If the pause is not long enough, the SFTTREEN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_TEXT notification is generated instead.  Use GetClickAgainPos to determine the index and column number where the click occurred.


The left mouse button was clicked in the area of the current entry (caret location) where the connecting tree lines are drawn.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.

Middle Mouse Button Notifications




The middle mouse button was double-clicked on the expand/collapse button of the current entry (caret location).  Use GetExpandCollapseIndex to determine the item index where the mouse button was clicked. Use Expand and Collapse to expand/collapse the item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on a cell, but not on the cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is double-clicked on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDBLCLK_CELLBMP is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on a cell picture. Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is double-clicked on the cell, but not on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDBLCLK_CELL is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on the column header.  Use GetHeaderButton to determine the header button pressed and use SetHeaderButton to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked at the right edge of the column header. Usually this notification is used to optimally resize a column using MakeColumnOptimal.  Use GetResizeColumn to determine the column number of the header. This notification is not generated for a splitter bar.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on the item picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on the label picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on the plus/minus bitmap of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on the row header of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on the row/column header.  Use the SetRowColHeaderButton function to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked on the cells of the current entry (caret location) or the Return key was pressed.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  Instead of using this notification, SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDBLCLK_CELL and SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDBLCLK_CELLBMP can also be used. The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was double-clicked in the area of the current entry (caret location) where the connecting tree lines are drawn.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on the expand/collapse button of the current entry (caret location).  Use GetExpandCollapseIndex to determine the item index where the mouse button was clicked.  Use Expand and Collapse to expand/collapse the item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on a cell, but not on the cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is clicked on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDOWN_CELLBMP is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on a cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location. If the mouse button is clicked on the cell, but not on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDOWN_CELL is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on the column header.  Use GetHeaderButton to determine the header button pressed and use SetHeaderButton to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on the item picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on the label picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on the plus/minus bitmap of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on the row header of the current item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on the row/column header.  Use the SetRowColHeaderButton function to reset the button (if desired). The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on the cells (any column) of the current entry (caret location).  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location. Instead of using this notification, SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDOWN_CELL and SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDOWN_CELLBMP can also be used.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked on a cell (any column) of an already selected item.  The notification is only generated if there is a sufficiently long pause between the first click to select the item and the second click.  If the pause is not long enough, the SFTTREEN_MBUTTONDBLCLK_TEXT notification is generated instead.  Use GetClickAgainPos to determine the index and column number where the click occurred.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The middle mouse button was clicked in the area of the current entry (caret location) where the connecting tree lines are drawn.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.

Right Mouse Button Notifications




The right mouse button was double-clicked on the expand/collapse button of the current entry (caret location).  Use GetExpandCollapseIndex to determine the item index where the mouse button was clicked.  Use Expand and Collapse to expand/collapse the item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on a cell, but not on the cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is double-clicked on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDBLCLK_CELLBMP is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on a cell picture. Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is double-clicked on the cell, but not on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDBLCLK_CELL is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on the column header.  Use GetHeaderButton to determine the header button pressed and use SetHeaderButton to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked at the right edge of the column header.  Usually this notification is used to optimally resize a column using MakeColumnOptimal.  Use GetResizeColumn to determine the column number of the header. This notification is not generated for a splitter bar.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on the item picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on the label picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on the plus/minus bitmap of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on the row header of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on the row/column header. Use the SetRowColHeaderButton function to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked on the cells of the current entry (caret location) or the Return key was pressed.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  Instead of using this notification, SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDBLCLK_CELL and SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDBLCLK_CELLBMP can also be used.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was double-clicked in the area of the current entry (caret location) where the connecting tree lines are drawn.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on the expand/collapse button of the current entry (caret location).  Use GetExpandCollapseIndex to determine the item index where the mouse button was clicked.  Use Expand and Collapse to expand/collapse the item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on a cell, but not on the cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is clicked on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDOWN_CELLBMP is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on a cell picture.  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  If the mouse button is clicked on the cell, but not on the cell picture, SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDOWN_CELL is received instead.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on the column header.  Use GetHeaderButton to determine the header button pressed and use SetHeaderButton to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on the item picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on the label picture of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on the plus/minus bitmap of the current entry (caret location).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on the row header of the current item.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on the row/column header.  Use the SetRowColHeaderButton function to reset the button (if desired).  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on the cells (any column) of the current entry (caret location).  Use GetCaretIndex and GetCaretColumn to retrieve the cell location.  Instead of using this notification, SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDOWN_CELL and SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDOWN_CELLBMP can also be used.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked on a cell (any column) of an already selected item.  The notification is only generated if there is a sufficiently long pause between the first click to select the item and the second click.  If the pause is not long enough, the SFTTREEN_RBUTTONDBLCLK_TEXT notification is generated instead.  Use GetClickAgainPos to determine the index and column number where the click occurred.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.


The right mouse button was clicked in the area of the current entry (caret location) where the connecting tree lines are drawn.  The SFTTREESTYLE_NOTIFY style has to be defined to receive this notification.  This notification is not generated if the tree control has the SFTTREESTYLE_LEFTBUTTONONLY style.

See Also  C/C++ API  |  Categories


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