/* SftTabs/DLL 6.0 - Tab Control for C/C++                                  */
/* SftTabs/DLL 6.0 - Itanium Edition                                        */
/* SftTabs/DLL 6.0 - x64 Edition                                            */
/* SftTabs/DLL 6.0 - Windows Mobile Edition                                 */
/* Copyright (C) 1994, 2009  Softel vdm, Inc. All Rights Reserved.          */

#include <windows.h>

#include "sfttb.h"                       /* SftTabs/DLL Header File */

#include "resource.h"                   // application resources

/*                              Globals                               */

HINSTANCE g_hInst;                      // App Instance Handle
int m_lastItem = 0;                     // counter for spinning globe

HBITMAP m_hSampleBitmap;                /* A sample bitmap */
HBITMAP m_hBackgroundBitmap;            /* background bitmap */

HICON m_hSampleIcon;                    /* A sample icon */

/*                        Page 1 Dialog Proc                          */

BOOL CALLBACK Page1_DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    LRESULT lResult;

    switch (msg) {
        SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P1_EDIT1), TEXT("Click another tab"));
        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P1_CHECK1), BM_SETCHECK, 1, 0);

        // initialize page
        SftTabs_SetPageActive(hwndDlg, (HWND) lParam, NULL);
        return !SftTabs_IsRegisteredDialog(GetParent(hwndDlg));

    if (SftTabs_HandleDialogMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam))
        return TRUE;
    if (SftTabs_TransparentControls(hwndDlg, NULL, &msg, &wParam, &lParam, &lResult, 0, 0))
        return (BOOL) lResult;

    return FALSE;

HWND CALLBACK Page1_Callback(BOOL fCreate, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndTab)
    if (fCreate) {                      // creating a new page
        if (hwndPage) {
            // already created, we could do some initialization here.
            // this will be called every time the page becomes active.
            // The WM_SHOWWINDOW message is also sent to the page and could
            // be used to determine activation/deactivation of the page.

            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwndPage, hwndOwner);
            return NULL;                // return NULL, ignored
        } else {
            // Create the page.
            // You can create and initialize any type of window here, not just dialogs.
            // Use CreateWindow to create other windows. Don't specify WS_VISIBLE, but
            // make sure you use WS_TABSTOP.
            // When creating a non-dialog window, make sure to call SftTabs_SetPageActive
            // after the page has been created.
            HWND hwnd = CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PAGE1), hwndOwner, (DLGPROC)Page1_DialogProc,
                    (LPARAM)hwndTab);// pass tab control as data
            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwnd, hwndOwner);
            return hwnd;
    } else {                            // destroying page
        if (hwndOwner)                  // - because we're switching away 
            return hwndPage;            //   keep the window handle, don't destroy it
        else {                          // - because we're closing the main dialog
            return NULL;

/*                        Page 2 Dialog Proc                          */

void CALLBACK Page2_DrawBackground(HDC hDC, HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndTab, SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR UserData)
    RECT rect;
    GetClientRect(hwndDlg, &rect);
    SftTabs_PaintTiledBitmap(hDC, m_hBackgroundBitmap, 0, 0, &rect);

BOOL CALLBACK Page2_DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    LRESULT lResult;

#if !defined(DEPRECATED) // NEW METHOD
    // we're phasing out the use of WM_QUERYENDSESSION
    // while still fully supported, SftTabs_GetEndPageMessage should be used to 
    // test for the "end-page" message. 
    // WM_QUERYENDSESSION is not supported for SftTabs/DLL Windows Mobile Edition
    if (msg == SftTabs_GetEndPageMessage()) {
        BOOL fEnd = (BOOL) SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P2_CHECK1), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) != 0;
        if (!fEnd) {
            MessageBox(hwndDlg, TEXT("Please check the checkbox on the dialog to be able to switch to another tab."), 
                    TEXT("Sample"), MB_APPLMODAL|MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK);
            SetWindowLong(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE); // cancel page switching
            // this is a dialog proc, so we can't simply return True/False
            // we have to use SetWindowLong instead. In a regular window proc
            // we could simply return True/False
        return TRUE; // message handled

    switch (msg) {
        m_hBackgroundBitmap = LoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BACKGROUND));
        // initialize page
        SftTabs_SetPageActive(hwndDlg, (HWND) lParam, NULL);
        return !SftTabs_IsRegisteredDialog(GetParent(hwndDlg));

#if defined(DEPRECATED)    
    // we're phasing out the use of WM_QUERYENDSESSION
    // while still supported, SftTabs_GetEndPageMessage should be used to 
    // test for the "end-page" message. 
    // WM_QUERYENDSESSION is not supported for SftTabs/DLL Windows Mobile Edition
        BOOL fEnd = (BOOL) SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P2_CHECK1), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) != 0;
        if (!fEnd)
            MessageBox(hwndDlg, TEXT("Please check the checkbox on the dialog to be able to switch to another tab."), 
                    TEXT("Sample"), MB_APPLMODAL|MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK);
        return !fEnd;

    case WM_DESTROY:

    if (SftTabs_HandleDialogMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam))
        return TRUE;
    if (SftTabs_TransparentControls(hwndDlg, Page2_DrawBackground, &msg, &wParam, &lParam, &lResult, SFTTABS_DRAWBG_OVERRIDETHEME, 0))
        return (BOOL) lResult;

    return FALSE;

HWND CALLBACK Page2_Callback(BOOL fCreate, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndTab)
    if (fCreate) {                      // creating a new page
        if (hwndPage) {
            // already created, we could do some initialization here.
            // this will be called every time the page becomes active.
            // The WM_SHOWWINDOW message is also sent to the page and could
            // be used to determine activation/deactivation of the page.

            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwndPage, hwndOwner);
            return NULL;                // return NULL, ignored
        } else {
            // Create the page.
            // You can create and initialize any type of window here, not just dialogs.
            // Use CreateWindow to create other windows. Don't specify WS_VISIBLE, but
            // make sure you use WS_TABSTOP.
            // When creating a non-dialog window, make sure to call SftTabs_SetPageActive
            // after the page has been created.
            HWND hwnd = CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PAGE2), hwndOwner, (DLGPROC)Page2_DialogProc, 
                    (LPARAM)hwndTab);// pass tab control as data
            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwnd, hwndOwner);
            return hwnd;
    } else {                            // destroying page
        if (hwndOwner)                  // - because we're switching away 
            return hwndPage;            //   keep the window handle, don't destroy it
        else {                          // - because we're closing the main dialog
            return NULL;

/*                        Page 3 Dialog Proc                          */

BOOL CALLBACK Page3_DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    LRESULT lResult;

    switch (msg) {
        SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P3_EDIT1), TEXT("Type Here"));
        // initialize page
        SftTabs_SetPageActive(hwndDlg, (HWND) lParam, NULL);
        return !SftTabs_IsRegisteredDialog(GetParent(hwndDlg));

    if (SftTabs_HandleDialogMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam))
        return TRUE;
    if (SftTabs_TransparentControls(hwndDlg, NULL, &msg, &wParam, &lParam, &lResult, 0, 0))
        return (BOOL) lResult;

    return FALSE;

HWND CALLBACK Page3_Callback(BOOL fCreate, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndTab)
    if (fCreate) {                      // creating a new page
        if (hwndPage) {
            // already created, we could do some initialization here.
            // this will be called every time the page becomes active
            // The WM_CREATE/WM_INITDIALOG/WM_DESTROY messages are also sent to 
            // the page and could be used to determine activation/deactivation.
            // of the page.

            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwndPage, hwndOwner);
            return NULL;
        } else {
            // Create the page.
            // You can create and initialize any type of window here, not just dialogs.
            // Use CreateWindow to create other windows. Don't specify WS_VISIBLE, but
            // make sure you use WS_TABSTOP.
            // When creating a non-dialog window, make sure to call SftTabs_SetPageActive
            // after the page has been created.
            HWND hwnd = CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PAGE3), hwndOwner, (DLGPROC)Page3_DialogProc, 
                    (LPARAM)hwndTab);// pass tab control as data
            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwnd, hwndOwner);
            return hwnd;
    } else {                            // destroying page
        // We'll always destroy this page (to save resources)
        return NULL;

/*                        Page 4 Dialog Proc                          */

BOOL CALLBACK Page4_DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    LRESULT lResult;

    switch (msg) {
        // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
        SftTabs_SetPageActive(hwndDlg, (HWND)lParam, NULL);
        return !SftTabs_IsRegisteredDialog(GetParent(hwndDlg));

    case WM_COMMAND: {
        HWND hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam;
        int id = LOWORD(wParam);
        int code = HIWORD(wParam);
        if (hwndCtl) {
            switch (id) {
            case IDC_P4_NEXT: {
                HWND hwndTab = SftTabs_GetTabControlFromPage(hwndDlg);
                int iTab = SftTabs_GetCurrentTab(hwndTab);
                SftTabs_SetCurrentTab(hwndTab, iTab+1);
            case IDC_P4_PREVIOUS: {
                HWND hwndTab = SftTabs_GetTabControlFromPage(hwndDlg);
                int iTab = SftTabs_GetCurrentTab(hwndTab);
                SftTabs_SetCurrentTab(hwndTab, iTab-1);
            case IDC_P4_OK:
            case IDC_P4_CANCEL:
                // just send it to this window as a command
                if (code == BN_CLICKED)
                    SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, id, 0);
        } else {
            switch (id) {
            case IDC_P4_OK:
                // Send IDOK to the parent window to close it
                // The active page (this one) will be called
                // with a WM_QUERYENDSESSION/SftTabs_GetEndPageMessage
                // message first.
                SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0);
            case IDC_P4_CANCEL:
                // Send IDCANCEL to the page's parent window
                SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0);

    if (SftTabs_HandleDialogMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam))
        return TRUE;
    if (SftTabs_TransparentControls(hwndDlg, NULL, &msg, &wParam, &lParam, &lResult, 0, 0))
        return (BOOL) lResult;

    return FALSE;

HWND CALLBACK Page4_Callback(BOOL fCreate, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndTab)
    if (fCreate) {                      // creating a new page
        if (hwndPage) {
            // already created, we could do some initialization here.
            // this will be called every time the page becomes active.
            // The WM_SHOWWINDOW message is also sent to the page and could
            // be used to determine activation/deactivation of the page.

            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwndPage, hwndOwner);
            return NULL;                // return NULL, ignored
        } else {
            // Create the page.
            // You can create and initialize any type of window here, not just dialogs.
            // Use CreateWindow to create other windows. Don't specify WS_VISIBLE, but
            // make sure you use WS_TABSTOP.
            // When creating a non-dialog window, make sure to call SftTabs_SetPageActive
            // after the page has been created.
            HWND hwnd = CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PAGE4), hwndOwner, (DLGPROC)Page4_DialogProc,
                    (LPARAM)hwndTab);// pass tab control as data
            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwnd, hwndOwner);
            return hwnd;
    } else {                            // destroying page
        if (hwndOwner)                  // - because we're switching away 
            return hwndPage;            //   keep the window handle, don't destroy it
        else {                          // - because we're closing the main dialog
            return NULL;

/*                        Page 5 Dialog Proc                          */

HWND CALLBACK Page5_Callback(BOOL fCreate, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndTab)
    MessageBox(hwndOwner, TEXT("This page is empty (and not implemented).  During development, pages can be left blank, ")
                    TEXT("which allows you to design the overall look of a tabbed dialog without implementing all pages."),
    return NULL;

/*                        Page 6 Dialog Proc                          */

BOOL CALLBACK Page6Page_DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    LRESULT lResult;

    switch (msg) {
    case WM_INITDIALOG: {
        HWND hwndTab = (HWND) lParam;// get the associated tab control
        TCHAR szBuffer[256];
        TCHAR szBuffer2[512];
        SftTabs_GetTabLabel(hwndTab, SftTabs_GetCurrentTab(hwndTab), szBuffer);
        wsprintf(szBuffer2, TEXT("This page's tab label reads \"%s\""), (LPCTSTR) szBuffer);
        SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PAGE6_PAGE_EDIT1), szBuffer2);
        // initialize page
        SftTabs_SetPageActive(hwndDlg, (HWND) lParam, NULL);
        // dialogs in nested tabs must return FALSE
        return FALSE;

    case WM_COMMAND: {
        HWND hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam;
        int id = LOWORD(wParam);
        int code = HIWORD(wParam);
        if (hwndCtl) {
            switch (id) {
            case IDC_PAGE6_PAGE_BUTTON1:
                switch (code) {
                case BN_CLICKED:        // test button
                    MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("The test button has been clicked."),
                               TEXT("Just Testing"), MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL|MB_ICONINFORMATION );

    if (SftTabs_HandleDialogMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam))
        return TRUE;
    if (SftTabs_TransparentControls(hwndDlg, NULL, &msg, &wParam, &lParam, &lResult, 0, 0))
        return (BOOL) lResult;

    return FALSE;

HWND CALLBACK Page6Page_Callback(BOOL fCreate, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndTab)
    if (fCreate) {                      // creating a new page
        if (hwndPage) {
            // already created, we could do some initialization here.
            // this will be called every time the page becomes active
            // The WM_CREATE/WM_INITDIALOG/WM_DESTROY messages are also sent to 
            // the page and could be used to determine activation/deactivation.
            // of the page.
            return NULL;
        } else {
            // Create the page.
            // You can create and initialize any type of window here, not just dialogs.
            // Use CreateWindow to create other windows. Don't specify WS_VISIBLE, but
            // make sure you use WS_TABSTOP.
            // When creating a non-dialog window, make sure to call SftTabs_SetPageActive
            // after the page has been created.
            HWND hwnd = CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PAGE6_PAGEX), hwndOwner, (DLGPROC)Page6Page_DialogProc, 
                    (LPARAM)hwndTab);// pass tab control as data
            return hwnd;
    } else {                            // destroying page
        // We'll always destroy this page (to save resources)
        return NULL;

/*- Tab1 Control Initialization Data -------------------------------------------*/

static const SFTTABS_CONTROL Page6_Tab1_CtlInit = {
    SFTTABSSTYLE_MODERN_I,               /* tab style */
    2,                                   /* number of rows */
    0,                                   /* number of tabs per row (if fFixed) */
    5,                                   /* width of left margin */
    26,                                  /* width of right margin */
    TRUE,                                /* same width for all tabs */
    TRUE,                                /* Client area wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* allow multiline label text */
    TRUE,                                /* use with dialog */
    FALSE,                               /* use specified background color only for text */
    FALSE,                               /* scrollable tabs */
    FALSE,                               /* hide scroll buttons */
    FALSE,                               /* bold font for active tab wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* fill rows completely */
    NULL,                                /* scroll button bitmap */
    NULL,                                /* Dialog data associated with active tab */
    NULL,                                /* Dialog window handle associated with active tab */
    NULL,                                /* Frame, used as client area */
    TRUE,                                /* Tooltips wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* drop text if it doesn't fit */
    FALSE,                               /* conditional scroll buttons */
    BMBUTTONSTYLE_STD,                   /* scroll button style */
    FALSE,                               /* display ... if truncated */
    TRUE,                                /* Flyby highlighting */
    FALSE,                               /* use client area colors in partially obscured frames */
    FALSE,                               /* scroll buttons on left side */
    -1,                                  /* row indentation */
    FALSE,                               /* don't show truncated pattern for clipped tab */
    FALSE,                               /* full size scroll buttons */
    TRUE,                                /* use themes on Windows XP */
    TRUE,                                /* use exact window region */
    FALSE,                               /* always show prefix _ */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* disabled button bitmap */
    TRUE,                                /* focus rectangle if the control has i/p focus */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Close button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Close button disabled */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if WM_CLOSE message wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize, Restore, Close buttons are full size */
    SFTTABS_BUTTON_NEAR,                 /* scroll button alignment */
    SFTTABS_BUTTON_NEAR,                 /* Minimize, Restore, Close button alignment */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize button disabled */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Restore button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Restore button disabled */
    NULL,                                /* Close, Minimize, Restore button bitmap */
    NULL,                                /* Close, Minimize, Restore disabled button bitmap */
    TEXT(""),                            /* scroll left button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* scroll button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Close button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Minimize button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Restore button tooltip */
    0,                                   /* custom modifications */
    0,                                   /* forced height/width depending on tab style - 0 to ignore */
    FALSE,                               /* switch tabs on button release (or down if FALSE) */
    FALSE,                               /* Rendering compatible with pre-6.0 */
    FALSE,                               /* don't display clientarea border - select styles only */

static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab1_Tab0 = {   /*&1 */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab1_Tab1 = {   /*&2 */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab1_Tab2 = {   /*&3 */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab1_Tab3 = {   /*&4 */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab1_Tab4 = {   /*&5 */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab1_Tab5 = {   /*&6 */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */

/*- Tab2 Control Initialization Data -------------------------------------------*/

static const SFTTABS_CONTROL Page6_Tab2_CtlInit = {
    SFTTABSSTYLE_MODERN_I,               /* tab style */
    1,                                   /* number of rows */
    4,                                   /* number of tabs per row (if fFixed) */
    0,                                   /* width of left margin */
    0,                                   /* width of right margin */
    TRUE,                                /* same width for all tabs */
    TRUE,                                /* Client area wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* allow multiline label text */
    TRUE,                                /* use with dialog */
    FALSE,                               /* use specified background color only for text */
    TRUE,                                /* scrollable tabs */
    FALSE,                               /* hide scroll buttons */
    TRUE,                                /* bold font for active tab wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* fill rows completely */
    NULL,                                /* scroll button bitmap */
    NULL,                                /* Dialog data associated with active tab */
    NULL,                                /* Dialog window handle associated with active tab */
    NULL,                                /* Frame, used as client area */
    TRUE,                                /* Tooltips wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* drop text if it doesn't fit */
    FALSE,                               /* conditional scroll buttons */
    BMBUTTONSTYLE_THEME_SCROLL,          /* scroll button style */
    FALSE,                               /* display ... if truncated */
    TRUE,                                /* Flyby highlighting */
    FALSE,                               /* use client area colors in partially obscured frames */
    FALSE,                               /* scroll buttons on left side */
    -1,                                  /* row indentation */
    FALSE,                               /* don't show truncated pattern for clipped tab */
    TRUE,                                /* full size scroll buttons */
    TRUE,                                /* use themes on Windows XP */
    TRUE,                                /* use exact window region */
    FALSE,                               /* always show prefix _ */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* disabled button bitmap */
    TRUE,                                /* focus rectangle if the control has i/p focus */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Close button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Close button disabled */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if WM_CLOSE message wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize, Restore, Close buttons are full size */
    SFTTABS_BUTTON_NEAR,                 /* scroll button alignment */
    SFTTABS_BUTTON_NEAR,                 /* Minimize, Restore, Close button alignment */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize button disabled */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Restore button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Restore button disabled */
    NULL,                                /* Close, Minimize, Restore button bitmap */
    NULL,                                /* Close, Minimize, Restore disabled button bitmap */
    TEXT(""),                            /* scroll left button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* scroll button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Close button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Minimize button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Restore button tooltip */
    0,                                   /* custom modifications */
    0,                                   /* forced height/width depending on tab style - 0 to ignore */
    FALSE,                               /* switch tabs on button release (or down if FALSE) */
    FALSE,                               /* Rendering compatible with pre-6.0 */
    FALSE,                               /* don't display clientarea border - select styles only */

static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab2_Tab0 = {   /* &A */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab2_Tab1 = {   /* &B */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab2_Tab2 = {   /* &C */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab2_Tab3 = {   /* &D */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab2_Tab4 = {   /* &E */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Page6_Tab2_Tab5 = {   /* &F */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6Page_Callback,          /* create/destroy callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */

BOOL CALLBACK Page6_DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    LRESULT lResult;

    switch (msg) {

    case WM_INITDIALOG: {
        HWND hwndTab;
        int index;

        // Initialize Tab Control # 1 of this page
        hwndTab = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P6_TAB1);
                                             /* get the window handle */

        /* Initialization is faster if we set redraw off */
        SendMessage(hwndTab, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0);

        /* We are using new features */
        SftTabs_SetVersion(hwndTab, SFTTABS_6_0);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&1"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for the first tab"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab1_Tab0);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&2"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for the second tab"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab1_Tab1);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&3"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for the third tab"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab1_Tab2);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&4"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for the fourth tab"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab1_Tab3);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&5"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for the fifth tab"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab1_Tab4);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&6"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for the sixth tab"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab1_Tab5);

        SftTabs_SetControlInfo(hwndTab, &Page6_Tab1_CtlInit);

        SftTabs_SetCurrentTab(hwndTab, 0);

        // Make sure to turn redraw back on
        SendMessage(hwndTab, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0);
        InvalidateRect(hwndTab, NULL, TRUE);

        // Activate current page
        SftTabs_ActivatePage(hwndDlg, hwndTab, NULL, TRUE);

        // Set default transition effect
            SFTTABS_CONTROL Ctl;
            SftTabs_GetControlInfo(hwndTab, &Ctl);
            Ctl.defaultAnimationStyleShow = SFTTABS_EXPAND_CENTER;
            Ctl.defaultAnimationTimeShow = 200;
            SftTabs_SetControlInfo(hwndTab, &Ctl);

        // Initialize Tab Control # 2 of this page
        hwndTab = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P6_TAB2);
                                             /* get the window handle */
        /* Initialization is faster if we set redraw off */
        SendMessage(hwndTab, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0);

        /* We are using new features */
        SftTabs_SetVersion(hwndTab, SFTTABS_6_0);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&A"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for tab number 1"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab2_Tab0);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&B"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for tab number 2"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab2_Tab1);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&C"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for tab number 3"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab2_Tab2);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&D"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for tab number 4"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab2_Tab3);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&E"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for tab number 5"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab2_Tab4);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&F"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("ToolTip for tab number 6"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Page6_Tab2_Tab5);

        SftTabs_SetControlInfo(hwndTab, &Page6_Tab2_CtlInit);

        SftTabs_SetCurrentTab(hwndTab, 0);

        // Make sure to turn redraw back on
        SendMessage(hwndTab, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0);
        InvalidateRect(hwndTab, NULL, TRUE);

        // Activate current page for tab2
        SftTabs_ActivatePage(hwndDlg, hwndTab, NULL, TRUE);
        // Now complete this page's activation
        SftTabs_SetPageActive(hwndDlg, (HWND) lParam, NULL);

        // Mark the window as a main, tabbed dialog (so accel. keys work) by registering it.
        // Register the dialog AFTER activating the current page

        // Set default transition effect
            SFTTABS_CONTROL Ctl;
            SftTabs_GetControlInfo(hwndTab, &Ctl);
            Ctl.defaultAnimationStyleShow = SFTTABS_EXPAND_CENTER;
            Ctl.defaultAnimationTimeShow = 200;
            SftTabs_SetControlInfo(hwndTab, &Ctl);
        return FALSE;                   // input focus already set

    case WM_DESTROY: {
        // Unregister, or the window properties used won't be removed
        // destroy all pages
        SftTabs_Destroy(hwndDlg, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P6_TAB1));
        SftTabs_Destroy(hwndDlg, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_P6_TAB2));

    case WM_COMMAND: {
        HWND hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam;
        int id = LOWORD(wParam);
        int code = HIWORD(wParam);
        if (hwndCtl) {

            switch (id) {
            case IDC_P6_TAB1:
            case IDC_P6_TAB2:
                switch (code) {
                case SFTTABSN_SWITCHING:// we're about to switch away from 
                                        // the current page
                    if (!SftTabs_DeactivatePage(hwndDlg, hwndCtl))
                        // couldn't deactivate current page, so don't switch
                        SendMessage(hwndCtl, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0);
                case SFTTABSN_SWITCHED:// we switched to a new page
                    SftTabs_ActivatePage(hwndDlg, hwndCtl, NULL, FALSE);

    if (SftTabs_HandleDialogMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam))
        return TRUE;
    if (SftTabs_TransparentControls(hwndDlg, NULL, &msg, &wParam, &lParam, &lResult, 0, 0))
        return (BOOL) lResult;

    return FALSE;

HWND CALLBACK Page6_Callback(BOOL fCreate, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndPage, HWND hwndTab)
    if (fCreate) {                      // creating a new page
        if (hwndPage) {
            // already created, we could do some initialization here.
            // this will be called every time the page becomes active
            // The WM_CREATE/WM_INITDIALOG/WM_DESTROY messages are also sent to 
            // the page and could be used to determine activation/deactivation.
            // of the page.

            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwndPage, hwndOwner);
            return NULL;
        } else {
            // Create the page.
            // You can create and initialize any type of window here, not just dialogs.
            // Use CreateWindow to create other windows. Don't specify WS_VISIBLE, but
            // make sure you use WS_TABSTOP.
            // When creating a non-dialog window, make sure to call SftTabs_SetPageActive
            // after the page has been created.
            HWND hwnd = CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PAGE6), hwndOwner, (DLGPROC)Page6_DialogProc, 
                    (LPARAM)hwndTab);// pass tab control as data
            // optional, set the main window's title to the window title defined for this page
            SftTabs_CopyWindowTitle(hwnd, hwndOwner);
            return hwnd;
    } else {                            // destroying page
        // We'll always destroy this page (to save resources)
        return NULL;

/*                       Center the main dialog                             */

static void CenterWindow(HWND hwnd)
    RECT rc;
    RECT rcOwner;
    int x, y;

    GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc);
    GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rcOwner);

    // Calculate the starting x,y for the new window so that it would be centered.
    x = rcOwner.left + (((rcOwner.right - rcOwner.left) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2);
    y = rcOwner.top + (((rcOwner.bottom - rcOwner.top) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 2);

    SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);

/*                          Frame Dialog Proc                         */

/*- Tab Control Initialization Data --------------------------------------------*/

static const SFTTABS_CONTROL CtlInit = {
    SFTTABSSTYLE_MODERN_I,               /* tab style */
    2,                                   /* number of rows */
    0,                                   /* number of tabs per row (if fFixed) */
    0,                                   /* width of left margin */
    0,                                   /* width of right margin */
    FALSE,                               /* same width for all tabs */
    TRUE,                                /* Client area wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* allow multiline label text */
    TRUE,                                /* use with dialog */
    FALSE,                               /* use specified background color only for text */
    FALSE,                               /* scrollable tabs */
    FALSE,                               /* hide scroll buttons */
    TRUE,                                /* bold font for active tab wanted */
    TRUE,                                /* fill rows completely */
    NULL,                                /* scroll button bitmap */
    NULL,                                /* Dialog data associated with active tab */
    NULL,                                /* Dialog window handle associated with active tab */
    NULL,                                /* Frame, used as client area */
    TRUE,                                /* Tooltips wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* drop text if it doesn't fit */
    FALSE,                               /* conditional scroll buttons */
    BMBUTTONSTYLE_STD,                   /* scroll button style */
    FALSE,                               /* display ... if truncated */
    TRUE,                                /* Flyby highlighting */
    FALSE,                               /* use client area colors in partially obscured frames */
    FALSE,                               /* scroll buttons on left side */
    -1,                                  /* row indentation */
    FALSE,                               /* don't show truncated pattern for clipped tab */
    FALSE,                               /* full size scroll buttons */
    TRUE,                                /* use themes on Windows XP */
    TRUE,                                /* use exact window region */
    FALSE,                               /* always show prefix _ */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* disabled button bitmap */
    TRUE,                                /* focus rectangle if the control has i/p focus */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Close button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Close button disabled */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if WM_CLOSE message wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize, Restore, Close buttons are full size */
    SFTTABS_BUTTON_NEAR,                 /* scroll button alignment */
    SFTTABS_BUTTON_NEAR,                 /* Minimize, Restore, Close button alignment */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize button disabled */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Restore button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Restore button disabled */
    NULL,                                /* Close, Minimize, Restore button bitmap */
    NULL,                                /* Close, Minimize, Restore disabled button bitmap */
    TEXT(""),                            /* scroll left button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* scroll button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Close button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Minimize button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Restore button tooltip */
    0,                                   /* custom modifications */
    0,                                   /* forced height/width depending on tab style - 0 to ignore */
    FALSE,                               /* switch tabs on button release (or down if FALSE) */
    FALSE,                               /* Rendering compatible with pre-6.0 */
    FALSE,                               /* don't display clientarea border - select styles only */

static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab0 = {   /*The First One */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(0,0,255),       /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(0,0,255),       /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_LEFT, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page1_Callback,              /* user supplied tab callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab1 = {   /*&Second */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(255,0,0),       /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(255,0,0),       /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_RIGHT, 0 },          /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page2_Callback,              /* user supplied tab callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab2 = {   /*&Third */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(128,128,0),     /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(128,128,0),     /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page3_Callback,              /* user supplied tab callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab3 = {   /*F&ourth */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(0,255,255),     /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(0,255,255),     /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page4_Callback,  /* user supplied tab callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab4 = {   /*F&ifth */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(0,0,128),       /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(0,0,128),       /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page5_Callback,              /* user supplied tab callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab5 = {   /*Si&xth */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(128,0,0),       /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, RGB(128,0,0),       /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    (SFTTABS_DWORD_PTR) Page6_Callback,  /* user supplied tab callback */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    COLOR_INFOBK|0x80000000,             /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */

BOOL CALLBACK MainDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    switch (msg) {

    case WM_INITDIALOG: {
        int index;
        HWND hwndTab;
        SFTTABS_TAB Tab;

        // Center this dialog

        hwndTab = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TAB);
                                         /* get the window handle */
        /* load the bitmaps/icons */
        m_hSampleBitmap = LoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP));
        m_hSampleIcon = LoadIcon(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON));

        /* Initialization is faster if we set redraw off */
        SendMessage(hwndTab, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0);

        /* We are using new features */
        SftTabs_SetVersion(hwndTab, SFTTABS_6_0);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("The First One"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("Demonstrates tabbing into and out of the tab page"));
        Tab = Tab0;
        Sft_SetPictureBitmap(&Tab.TabPicture, m_hSampleBitmap);
        //Old Style (pre-6.0): Tab.graph.type = SFTTABS_GRAPH_BITMAP;
        //Old Style (pre-6.0): Tab.graph.item.hBitmap = m_hSampleBitmap;
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Tab);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&Second"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("Demonstrates how an application can prevent tab switching"));
        Tab = Tab1;
        Sft_SetPictureIcon(&Tab.TabPicture, m_hSampleIcon);
        //Old Style (pre-6.0): Tab.graph.type = SFTTABS_GRAPH_ICON;
        //Old Style (pre-6.0): Tab.graph.item.hIcon = m_hSampleIcon;
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Tab);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("&Third"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("This page is reset everytime you switch to it"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Tab2);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("F&ourth"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("A page with private OK, Cancel, Next and Previous page buttons"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Tab3);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("F&ifth"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("A page that has not yet been implemented"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Tab4);

        index = SftTabs_AddTab(hwndTab, TEXT("Si&xth"));
        SftTabs_SetToolTip(hwndTab, index, TEXT("A page with nested tab controls and pages"));
        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, index, &Tab5);

        SftTabs_SetControlInfo(hwndTab, &CtlInit);

        SftTabs_SetCurrentTab(hwndTab, 0);

        // Make sure to turn redraw back on
        SendMessage(hwndTab, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0);
        InvalidateRect(hwndTab, NULL, TRUE);

        // Activate current page
        SftTabs_ActivatePage(hwndDlg, hwndTab, NULL, TRUE);

        // Mark the window as a main, tabbed dialog (so accel. keys work) by registering it.
        // Register the dialog AFTER activating the current page

        // Update Tab2 to use transition effects
            SFTTABS_TAB Tab;
            SftTabs_GetTabInfo(hwndTab, 2, &Tab);
            Tab.animationStyleShow = SFTTABS_SLIDE_FROM_LEFT;
            Tab.animationTimeShow = 400;
            SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, 2, &Tab);

        // Update Tab5 to use transition effects
            SFTTABS_TAB Tab;
            SftTabs_GetTabInfo(hwndTab, 5, &Tab);
            Tab.animationStyleShow = SFTTABS_EXPAND_CENTER;
            Tab.animationTimeShow = 400;
            SftTabs_SetTabInfo(hwndTab, 5, &Tab);

            // Animate the entire window
            // Animation works on windows 98, 2000 or better only

            HMODULE hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("USER32.DLL"));
            if (hUser32) {
                LPFNANIMATEWINDOW lpfnAnimateWindow;
                lpfnAnimateWindow = (LPFNANIMATEWINDOW)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "AnimateWindow");
                if (lpfnAnimateWindow)
                    lpfnAnimateWindow(hwndDlg, 300, AW_HOR_POSITIVE);
        return FALSE;                        // WM_INITDIALOG, input focus already set

    case WM_DESTROY:
        /* delete the bitmaps/icons */

        // Unregister, or the window properties used won't be removed

        // destroy all pages
        SftTabs_Destroy(hwndDlg, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TAB));

    case WM_COMMAND: {
        // Parameter packing differs between 16-bit and 32-bit Windows
        HWND hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam;
        int id = LOWORD(wParam);
        int code = HIWORD(wParam);
        if (hwndCtl) {

            switch (id) {
            case IDC_TAB:
                switch (code) {
                case SFTTABSN_SWITCHING:// we're about to switch away from 
                    // the current page.  If you need to know what the new
                    // page will be, use SftTabs_GetNextTab(hwndCtl).
                    if (!SftTabs_DeactivatePage(hwndDlg, hwndCtl))
                        // couldn't deactivate current page, so don't switch
                        SendMessage(hwndCtl, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0);
                case SFTTABSN_SWITCHED:// we switched to a new page
                    SftTabs_ActivatePage(hwndDlg, hwndCtl, NULL, FALSE);

            case IDOK:
            case IDCANCEL:
                if (code == BN_CLICKED)
                    SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, id, 0);

        } else {
            switch (id) {
            case IDOK:
                // The currently active page will be called with a 
                // WM_QUERYENDSESSION/SftTabs_GetEndPageMessage message 
                // to determine whether it can be closed
                if (SftTabs_ClosePossible(hwndDlg, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TAB)))
                    EndDialog(hwndDlg, TRUE);
            case IDCANCEL:
                EndDialog(hwndDlg, FALSE);
            // The above assumes that this is a modal dialog. If it is a modeless
            // don't use EndDialog, use DestroyWindow instead.



    if (SftTabs_HandleDialogMessage(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam))
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

/*                              WinMain                               */

int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hinstPrev, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int cmdShow)
    // Initialize
    g_hInst = hinst;

    SftTabs_RegisterApp(hinst);         /* Register with SftTabs/DLL */

    // Initialize, run, and terminate the application
    DialogBox(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), NULL, (DLGPROC)MainDialogProc);

    SftTabs_UnregisterApp(hinst);       /* Unregister from SftTabs/DLL */

    return 0;