SftTabs/DLL 6.0

IsRegisteredDialog / -Window

Softel vdm, Inc.

Determines whether a given window or dialog is registered with SftTabs/DLL for special tabbed dialog or tabbed window handling, such as accelerator key handling, ESCAPE and TAB key processing, etc.


BOOL WINAPI SftTabs_IsRegisteredDialog(HWND hwndDialog);
BOOL WINAPI SftTabs_IsRegisteredWindow(HWND hwndWnd);


hwndDialog, hwndWnd

The window handle of the dialog or window to be tested.


The return value is TRUE if the window is registered with SftTabs/DLL for special tabbed dialog or window handling, otherwise FALSE is returned.


The IsRegisteredDialog function determines whether a given window or dialog is registered with SftTabs/DLL for special tabbed dialog or tabbed window handling, such as accelerator key handling, ESCAPE and TAB key processing, etc.

A main tabbed dialog or window containing a tab control is registered using SftTabs_RegisterWindow or SftTabs_RegisterDialog. Windows and dialogs based on the C++ class CSftTabsDialog are automatically registered.

See Also  C/C++ API  |  C++ Classes  |  Notifications

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