SftTabs/DLL 6.0

UnregisterDialog / -Window

Softel vdm, Inc.

Unregisters a dialog or window which has been previously registered using SftTabs_RegisterDialog or SftTabs_RegisterWindow.


BOOL WINAPI SftTabs_UnregisterDialog(HWND hwndDialog);
BOOL WINAPI SftTabs_UnregisterWindow(HWND hwndWnd);


hwndDialog, hwndWnd

The window handle of the window or dialog to be unregistered.


The return value is TRUE if the window is successfully unregistered with SftTabs/DLL.


The UnregisterDialog function unregisters a dialog or window which has been previously registered using SftTabs_RegisterDialog or SftTabs_RegisterWindow.

If this function is not called, resource leaks may be experienced.

This C example shows a typical tabbed dialog WM_DESTROY message handler:

case WM_DESTROY: { 
    // Unregister, or the window properties used won't be removed 
    // destroy all pages 
    SftTabs_Destroy(hwndDlg, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TAB));

See Also  C/C++ API  |  C++ Classes  |  Notifications

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