SftTree/NET 2.0

DimensionsClass Class

Softel vdm, Inc.

  DimensionsClass Class (Softelvdm.SftTreeNET Namespace)

An instance of the DimensionsClass class describes various dimensions, object sizes, distances in a SftTree/NET control.

There is only one instance of the DimensionsClass class for one SftTree/NET control. It is accessed using the control's Dimensions property.


Public Class DimensionsClass Inherits Object


public class DimensionsClass : Object


public ref class DimensionsClass : public Object













Public Constructors



This class cannot be instantiated.


Public Properties


public propertyAboveIconPart

Defines the gap above the item image.

public propertyAfterIconPart

Defines the gap to the right of the item image.

public propertyAutoHScrollMargin

Defines the width of the area at the left and right of the control's item area where horizontal scrolling starts during a drag & drop operation.

public propertyAutoVScrollMargin

Defines the height of the area at the top and bottom of the control's item area where vertical scrolling starts during a drag & drop operation.

public propertyBeforeIconPart

Defines the gap to the left of the item image.

public propertyBelowIconPart

Defines the gap below the item image.

public propertyGapBetweenParts

Defines the gap between parts within cells in the item area.

public propertyItemMaxHeight

Defines the maximum height of each item.

public propertyItemMinHeight

Defines the minimum height of each item.

public propertyLevelIndent

Defines the indentation for item levels.

public propertyMinimumAroundButton

Defines the minimum gap around expand/collapse buttons.

public propertyPartsBottomEdge

Defines the bottom edge gap for cells in the item area, used to calculate the available interior space in a cell (GenericPartClass.PartAlignment).

public propertyPartsLeftEdge

Defines the left edge gap for cells in the item area, used to calculate the available interior space in a cell (GenericPartClass.PartAlignment).

public propertyPartsRightEdge

Defines the right edge gap for cells in the item area, used to calculate the available interior space in a cell (GenericPartClass.PartAlignment).

public propertyPartsTopEdge

Defines the top edge gap for cells in the item area, used to calculate the available interior space in a cell (GenericPartClass.PartAlignment).

public propertyResizeMargin

Defines the width of the area to the left and right of the column boundary where column resizing can be initiated.

public propertySortIndicatorGap

Defines the gap between the right edge of the cell and the sorting indicator (SortIndicatorPositionEnum.Side only).

public propertyTightOutlineGap

Defines the gap between parts and the outline when SelectionHighlightStyle is defined as SelectionHighlightStyleEnum.HierarchyPartsOnlyTight or SelectionHighlightStyleEnum.HierarchyPartsOnlyLoose.


Public Methods


public methodEqualsinherited from System.Object

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.

public methodGetHashCodeinherited from System.Object

Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

public methodGetTypeinherited from System.Object

Gets the Type of the current instance.

public methodstatic / sharedReferenceEqualsinherited from System.Object

Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance.

public methodToStringinherited from System.Object

Returns a String that represents the current Object.


Public Event


public eventPropertyChanged

Occurs when a property of a DimensionsClass instance is modified.


Protected Methods


protected methodFinalizeinherited from System.Object

Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.

protected methodMemberwiseCloneinherited from System.Object

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.


See Also     Softelvdm.SftTreeNET Namespace

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