SftTree/DLL 6.5


Softel vdm, Inc.

The SFTTREE_SELENTRY structure is used by GetSelItemsArray to return an array of structures describing groups of selected items.

typedef struct tagSftTreeSelEntry {
    int start;                          // starting entry of selected range
    int end;                            // ending entry of selected range



The index of the first selected item in the current group described by SFTTREE_SELENTRY.


The index of the last selected item in the current group described by SFTTREE_SELENTRY.  This value may be the same as the start value, indicating that the current group consists of just one selected item.  end is guaranteed to be equal to or greater than start.


The SFTTREE_SELENTRY structure is used by GetSelItemsArray to return an array of structures describing groups of selected items.

In a multiple selection tree control, many discontiguous groups of items may be selected.  While GetSelItems returns an index for each selected item, GetSelItemsArray returns an array of groups of selected items.  For a large number of selected items this is the preferred method.

Note that the array becomes invalid as soon as a selection is changed using API functions or by the user.  When using API calls to modify the selected items, the array has to be retrieved again using GetSelItemsArray.

The array returned by GetSelItemsArray is read/only and cannot be modified.  SetCurSel, SetSel and SelItemRange should be used to select or deselect items.

See Also  C/C++ API  |  CategoriesNotifications


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