/* SftTree/DLL 6.5 - Tree Control for C/C++                                 */
/* SftTree/DLL 6.5 - Itanium Edition                                        */
/* SftTree/DLL 6.5 - x64 Edition                                            */
/* SftTree/DLL 6.5 - Windows Mobile Edition                                 */
/* Copyright (C) 1995, 2009  Softel vdm, Inc. All Rights Reserved.          */

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "SftTree.h"                     /* SftTree/DLL Header File */

#include "resource.h"                   // resource IDs

/*                              Globals                               */

HINSTANCE g_hInst;                      // App Instance Handle
HWND m_hwndLeftTree;                    /* Tree control */
HWND m_hwndRightTree;                   /* Tree control */
HWND m_hwndLastTarget = NULL;           /* Last drop target */

SFT_PICTURE m_aThreeItemPictures[3];    /* Three default item pictures, see SetPictures in online help */

HBITMAP m_hBgBitmap;                    /* Background bitmap */

/*                   Center the main dialog                           */

static void CenterWindow(HWND hwnd)
    RECT rc;
    RECT rcOwner;
    int x, y;

    GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc);
    GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rcOwner);

    // Calculate the starting x,y for the new window so that it would be centered.
    x = rcOwner.left + (((rcOwner.right - rcOwner.left) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2);
    y = rcOwner.top + (((rcOwner.bottom - rcOwner.top) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 2);

    SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);

/*                      Left Tree Control Handling                    */

static void DraggingLeft()
    /* Drag & drop in progress, which was started on the left side tree */
    lpInfo = SftTree_GetDragInfo(m_hwndLeftTree);

    if (lpInfo->hwnd != m_hwndLeftTree) { // The target is another window

        // clear old drop target
        if (m_hwndLastTarget) {
            SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLastTarget, -1, FALSE);
        m_hwndLastTarget = NULL;

        // the target is another control, we have to set the cursor and
        // also update the drop target
        // In this example the "other" control could be the right tree control

        if (lpInfo->hwnd == m_hwndRightTree) { // target is right tree
            POINT pt;
            int index;
            // set the drop OK cursor
            lpInfo->fDropOK = TRUE;
            lpInfo->hCursor = LoadCursor(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_DRAG));

            // update the drop target in the right tree
            pt = lpInfo->ptDrag;
            MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hwndRightTree, &pt, 1);
            index = SftTree_CalcIndexFromPointEx(m_hwndRightTree, &pt);
            SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndRightTree, index, TRUE);
            SftTree_StartAutoExpandTimer(m_hwndRightTree, index, FALSE, 0);

            // remember who is the drop target
            m_hwndLastTarget = m_hwndRightTree;

    } else { // left side tree is the drop target
        // clear old drop target if different
        if (m_hwndLastTarget && m_hwndLastTarget != m_hwndLeftTree) {
            SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLastTarget, -1, FALSE);
        m_hwndLastTarget = m_hwndLeftTree;
        SftTree_StartAutoExpandTimer(m_hwndLastTarget, lpInfo->index, FALSE, 0);

static void EndDragLeft()
    /* The user dropped something */

    int index;
    TCHAR szBuffer[80];
    LPCTSTR lpszText;

    lpInfo = SftTree_GetDragInfo(m_hwndLeftTree);

    if (lpInfo->hwnd != m_hwndLeftTree) { // The target is another window

        // In this example the "other" control could be the right tree control

        if (lpInfo->hwnd == m_hwndRightTree) { // target is left tree
            index = SftTree_GetDropHighlight(m_hwndRightTree);
            lpszText = TEXT("The drop target is item %d in the right tree control");
        } else {
            index = -1;
            lpszText = TEXT("There is no valid drop target");
    } else { // target is the right tree control
        index = SftTree_GetDropHighlight(m_hwndLeftTree);
        lpszText = TEXT("The drop target is item %d in the left tree control");

    // always clear drop targets.  If you forget, or do it too late,
    // the vertical scrolling may still be active
    if (m_hwndLastTarget) {
        SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLastTarget, -1, FALSE);
    m_hwndLastTarget = NULL;    

    wsprintf(szBuffer, lpszText, index);
    MessageBox(NULL, szBuffer, TEXT("SftTree/DLL"), MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL);

/*                     Right Tree Control Handling                    */

static void DraggingRight()
    /* Drag & drop in progress, which was started on the right side tree */
    lpInfo = SftTree_GetDragInfo(m_hwndRightTree);

    if (lpInfo->hwnd != m_hwndRightTree) { // The target is another window

        // clear old drop target
        if (m_hwndLastTarget) {
            SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLastTarget, -1, FALSE);
        m_hwndLastTarget = NULL;

        // the target is another control, we have to set the cursor and
        // also update the drop target
        // In this example the "other" control could be the left tree control

        if (lpInfo->hwnd == m_hwndLeftTree) { // target is left tree
            POINT pt;
            int index;

            // set the drop OK cursor
            lpInfo->fDropOK = TRUE;
            lpInfo->hCursor = LoadCursor(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_DRAG));

            // update the drop target in the left tree
            pt = lpInfo->ptDrag;
            MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, m_hwndLeftTree, &pt, 1);
            index = SftTree_CalcIndexFromPointEx(m_hwndLeftTree, &pt);
            SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLeftTree, index, TRUE);
            SftTree_StartAutoExpandTimer(m_hwndLeftTree, index, FALSE, 0);

            // remember who is the drop target
            m_hwndLastTarget = m_hwndLeftTree;

    } else { // right side tree is the drop target
        // clear old drop target if different
        if (m_hwndLastTarget && m_hwndLastTarget != m_hwndRightTree) {
            SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLastTarget, -1, FALSE);
        m_hwndLastTarget = m_hwndRightTree;
        SftTree_StartAutoExpandTimer(m_hwndLastTarget, lpInfo->index, FALSE, 0);

static void EndDragRight()
    /* The user dropped something */

    int index;
    TCHAR szBuffer[80];
    LPCTSTR lpszText;

    lpInfo = SftTree_GetDragInfo(m_hwndRightTree);

    if (lpInfo->hwnd != m_hwndRightTree) { // The target is another window

        // In this example the "other" control could be the left tree control

        if (lpInfo->hwnd == m_hwndLeftTree) { // target is left tree
            index = SftTree_GetDropHighlight(m_hwndLeftTree);
            lpszText = TEXT("The drop target is item %d in the left tree control");
        } else {
            index = -1;
            lpszText = TEXT("There is no valid drop target");
    } else { // target is the right tree control
        index = SftTree_GetDropHighlight(m_hwndRightTree);
        lpszText = TEXT("The drop target is item %d in the right tree control");

    // always clear drop targets.  If you forget, or do it too late,
    // the vertical scrolling may still be active
    if (m_hwndLastTarget) {
        SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLastTarget, -1, FALSE);
    m_hwndLastTarget = NULL;    

    wsprintf(szBuffer, lpszText, index);
    MessageBox(NULL, szBuffer, TEXT("SftTree/DLL"), MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL);

/*                          Frame Dialog Proc                         */

BOOL CALLBACK MainDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    switch (msg) {

    case WM_INITDIALOG: {
        int index;

        // Center this dialog

        // Set application icon
        SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM) LoadIcon(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1)));


        m_hwndLeftTree = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LEFTTREE);
        /* Define the background bitmap.                           */
        m_hBgBitmap = LoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BACKGROUND));/* Load a background bitmap */
        SftTree_SetBackgroundBitmap(m_hwndLeftTree, m_hBgBitmap, 0, 0, 0);/* Define the background bitmap */
        /* Register the item pictures.  These pictures are used    */
        /* for all items in the tree control. All three pictures   */
        /* must be the same size.                                  */
        Sft_SetPictureBitmap(&m_aThreeItemPictures[0], LoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_EXPANDABLE)));/* Expandable picture */
        Sft_SetPictureBitmap(&m_aThreeItemPictures[1], LoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_EXPANDED)));/* Expanded picture */
        Sft_SetPictureBitmap(&m_aThreeItemPictures[2], LoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_LEAF)));/* Leaf picture */
        SftTree_SetPictures(m_hwndLeftTree, m_aThreeItemPictures);/* Use item picture */
        SftTree_SetItemBitmapAlign(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Align item bitmaps */
        SftTree_SetTreeLineStyle(m_hwndLeftTree, SFTTREE_TREELINE_DOT0);/* Dotted tree lines (incl. level 0) */
        SftTree_SetShowButtons(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Expand/collapse buttons (level 1..n) */
        SftTree_SetShowButton0(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Show expand/collapse buttons (level 0) */
        SftTree_SetButtons(m_hwndLeftTree, SFTTREE_BUTTON_SIMPLE);/* Button style */
        SftTree_SetShowTruncated(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Show ... if truncated */
        SftTree_SetSelectionStyle(m_hwndLeftTree, SFTTREE_SELECTION_CELL1);/* Select first cell only */
        SftTree_SetSelectionArea(m_hwndLeftTree, SFTTREE_SELECTIONAREA_ALL);/* Selection changes by clicking anywhere on an item */
        SftTree_SetFlyby(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Flyby highlighting */
        SftTree_SetScrollTips(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Show Scrolltips */
        SftTree_SetInheritBgColor(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Inherit background color of first cell */
        SftTree_SetOpenEnded(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Last column width */

        /* Define columns */
            SFTTREE_COLUMN_EX aCol[1] = {
              { 0, 0,                        /* Reserved */
                49,                          /* Width (in pixels) */
                ES_LEFT,                     /* Cell alignment */
                ES_LEFT,                     /* Title style */
                TEXT("Title"),               /* Column header title */
                NULL, NULL,                  /* Reserved field and bitmap handle */
                SFTTREE_BMP_RIGHT,           /* Bitmap alignment */
                0, 0, 0,                     /* Reserved fields */
                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Cell background color */
                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Cell foreground color */
                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Selected cell background color */
                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Selected cell foreground color */
                0,                           /* Real column position (set by SetColumns call) */
                0,                           /* Display column number (display position) */
                0,                           /* Column flag */
                0,                           /* Minimum column width */
            SftTree_SetColumnsEx(m_hwndLeftTree, 1, aCol);/* Set column attributes */

        SftTree_SetShowRowHeader(m_hwndLeftTree, SFTTREE_ROWSTYLE_BUTTONCOUNT0);/* Row style */
        SftTree_SetRowHeaderStyle(m_hwndLeftTree, ES_LEFT | SFTTREE_HEADER_UP);/* Row header style */
        SftTree_SetDragBitmaps(m_hwndLeftTree, TRUE);/* Allow drag & drop from item, label pictures */
        SftTree_SetDragType(m_hwndLeftTree, SFTTREE_DRAG_PIXELIMM);/* Select and move by a number of pixels to start drag */
        SftTree_SetDropHighlightStyle(m_hwndLeftTree, SFTTREE_DROPHIGHLIGHT_BETWEEN);/* Draw line to represent drop target */
        SftTree_SetCharSearchMode(m_hwndLeftTree, SFTTREE_CHARSEARCH_ALLCHARS, -1);/* Consider all characters typed */
        /* Change the default colors */
            SFTTREE_COLORS Colors;
            SftTree_GetCtlColors(m_hwndLeftTree, &Colors);/* Get current color settings */
            Colors.colorSelBgNoFocus = COLOR_BTNFACE | 0x80000000L;/* Selection background color (no input focus) */
            Colors.colorSelFgNoFocus = COLOR_BTNTEXT | 0x80000000L;/* Selection foreground color (no input focus) */
            SftTree_SetCtlColors(m_hwndLeftTree, &Colors);/* Set new colors */

        // Add a few items
        for (index = 3 ; index <= 30 ; ++index) {
            TCHAR szBuffer[80];
            int i;
            wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("Item %d"), index-3);
            i = SftTree_AddString(m_hwndLeftTree, szBuffer);
            SftTree_SetItemLevel(m_hwndLeftTree, i, abs(3 - (index % 6)));

        /* Make row header width optimal, so text and bitmaps are  */
        /* not clipped horizontally.                               */
        SftTree_MakeRowHeaderOptimal(m_hwndLeftTree);/* Make row header width optimal */
        SftTree_RecalcHorizontalExtent(m_hwndLeftTree);/* Update horizontal scroll bar */

        m_hwndRightTree = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_RIGHTTREE);
        SftTree_SetTreeLineStyle(m_hwndRightTree, SFTTREE_TREELINE_AUTOMATIC0);/* Dotted or invisible tree lines (incl. level 0) */
        SftTree_SetShowButtons(m_hwndRightTree, TRUE);/* Expand/collapse buttons (level 1..n) */
        SftTree_SetShowButton0(m_hwndRightTree, TRUE);/* Show expand/collapse buttons (level 0) */
        SftTree_SetButtons(m_hwndRightTree, SFTTREE_BUTTON_AUTOMATIC3);/* Automatic button style 3 */
        SftTree_SetShowTruncated(m_hwndRightTree, TRUE);/* Show ... if truncated */
        SftTree_SetShowFocus(m_hwndRightTree, FALSE);/* Don't show focus rectangle (caret) */
        SftTree_SetSelectionStyle(m_hwndRightTree, SFTTREE_SELECTION_CELL1 | SFTTREE_SELECTION_OUTLINE);/* Select first cell only using outline */
        SftTree_SetSelectionArea(m_hwndRightTree, SFTTREE_SELECTIONAREA_ALL);/* Selection changes by clicking anywhere on an item */
        SftTree_SetFlyby(m_hwndRightTree, TRUE);/* Flyby highlighting */
        SftTree_SetScrollTips(m_hwndRightTree, TRUE);/* Show Scrolltips */
        SftTree_SetOpenEnded(m_hwndRightTree, TRUE);/* Last column width */
        /* Define columns */
            SFTTREE_COLUMN_EX aCol[1] = {
              { 0, 0,                        /* Reserved */
                100,                         /* Width (in pixels) */
                ES_LEFT,                     /* Cell alignment */
                ES_LEFT,                     /* Title style */
                TEXT("Title"),               /* Column header title */
                NULL, NULL,                  /* Reserved field and bitmap handle */
                SFTTREE_BMP_RIGHT,           /* Bitmap alignment */
                0, 0, 0,                     /* Reserved fields */
                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Cell background color */
                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Cell foreground color */
                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Selected cell background color */
                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Selected cell foreground color */
                0,                           /* Real column position (set by SetColumns call) */
                0,                           /* Display column number (display position) */
                0,                           /* Column flag */
                0,                           /* Minimum column width */
            SftTree_SetColumnsEx(m_hwndRightTree, 1, aCol);/* Set column attributes */

        SftTree_SetDragBitmaps(m_hwndRightTree, TRUE);/* Allow drag & drop from item, label pictures */
        SftTree_SetDragType(m_hwndRightTree, SFTTREE_DRAG_PIXELIMM);/* Select and move by a number of pixels to start drag */
        SftTree_SetDropHighlightStyle(m_hwndRightTree, SFTTREE_DROPHIGHLIGHT_ONTOP);/* Highlight drop target */
        SftTree_SetCharSearchMode(m_hwndRightTree, SFTTREE_CHARSEARCH_ALLCHARS, -1);/* Consider all characters typed */

        // Add a few items
        for (index = 3 ; index <= 30 ; ++index) {
            TCHAR szBuffer[80];
            int i;
            wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("Item %d"), index-3);
            i = SftTree_AddString(m_hwndRightTree, szBuffer);
            SftTree_SetItemLevel(m_hwndRightTree, i, abs(3 - (index % 6)));
        SftTree_RecalcHorizontalExtent(m_hwndRightTree);/* Update horizontal scroll bar */

        return TRUE;

    case WM_DESTROY: {
        DeleteObject(m_hBgBitmap);           /* Background bitmap */

        DeleteObject(m_aThreeItemPictures[0].Picture.hBitmap);/* Default item pictures */

    case WM_COMMAND: {
        HWND hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam;
        int id = LOWORD(wParam);
        int code = HIWORD(wParam);
        if (hwndCtl) {

            switch (id) {
            case IDC_LEFTTREE:
                switch (code) {
                    int index;
                    BOOL fExpand, fControl;
                    /* Get current position */
                    index = SftTree_GetExpandCollapseIndex(hwndCtl);/* Get item to expand/collapse */
                    /* Check if item is expanded */
                    fExpand = SftTree_GetItemExpand(hwndCtl, index);
                    /* If the CONTROL key is pressed, expand all dependent levels */
                    fControl = (BOOL)(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000);
                    if (fExpand)
                        SftTree_Collapse(hwndCtl, index, TRUE);
                        SftTree_Expand(hwndCtl, index, TRUE, fControl);
                case SFTTREEN_EXPANDALL: { // expand all
                    int index;
                    index = SftTree_GetExpandCollapseIndex(hwndCtl);/* Get item to expand/collapse */
                    SftTree_Expand(hwndCtl, index, TRUE, TRUE);
                case SFTTREEN_AUTOEXPANDING: {
                    int index;
                    index = SftTree_GetExpandCollapseIndex(hwndCtl);/* Get item to expand/collapse */
                    SftTree_Expand(hwndCtl, index, TRUE, FALSE);
                case SFTTREEN_ENDDRAG:
                case SFTTREEN_CANCELDRAG:
                    // always clear drop targets
                    if (m_hwndLastTarget) {
                        SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLastTarget, -1, FALSE);
                        m_hwndLastTarget = NULL;    
                    MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Drag & drop cancelled."), TEXT("SftTree/DLL"), MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL);
                case SFTTREEN_BEGINDRAG:
                case SFTTREEN_DRAGGING:
            case IDC_RIGHTTREE:
                switch (code) {
                    int index;
                    BOOL fExpand, fControl;
                    /* Get current position */
                    index = SftTree_GetExpandCollapseIndex(hwndCtl);/* Get item to expand/collapse */
                    /* Check if item is expanded */
                    fExpand = SftTree_GetItemExpand(hwndCtl, index);
                    /* If the CONTROL key is pressed, expand all dependent levels */
                    fControl = (BOOL)(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000);
                    if (fExpand)
                        SftTree_Collapse(hwndCtl, index, TRUE);
                        SftTree_Expand(hwndCtl, index, TRUE, fControl);
                case SFTTREEN_EXPANDALL: { // expand all
                    int index;
                    index = SftTree_GetExpandCollapseIndex(hwndCtl);/* Get item to expand/collapse */
                    SftTree_Expand(hwndCtl, index, TRUE, TRUE);
                case SFTTREEN_AUTOEXPANDING: {
                    int index;
                    index = SftTree_GetExpandCollapseIndex(hwndCtl);/* Get item to expand/collapse */
                    SftTree_Expand(hwndCtl, index, TRUE, FALSE);
                case SFTTREEN_ENDDRAG:
                case SFTTREEN_CANCELDRAG:
                    // always clear drop targets
                    if (m_hwndLastTarget) {
                        SftTree_SetDropHighlight(m_hwndLastTarget, -1, FALSE);
                        m_hwndLastTarget = NULL;    
                    MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Drag & drop cancelled."), TEXT("SftTree/DLL"), MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL);
                case SFTTREEN_BEGINDRAG:
                case SFTTREEN_DRAGGING:
            case IDOK:
            case IDCANCEL:
                if (code == BN_CLICKED)
                    SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, id, 0);

        } else {
            switch (id) {
            case IDOK:
                EndDialog(hwndDlg, TRUE);
            case IDCANCEL:
                EndDialog(hwndDlg, FALSE);
    return FALSE;

/*                              WinMain                               */

int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hinstPrev, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int cmdShow)
    // Initialize 
    g_hInst = hinst;

    SftTree_RegisterApp(hinst);   /* Register with SftTree/DLL */

    // Initialize, run, and terminate the application

    SftTree_UnregisterApp(hinst); /* Unregister from SftTree/DLL */

    return 0;


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© 2009 - Softel vdm, Inc. - www.softelvdm.com