SftTree/DLL 6.5


Softel vdm, Inc.

Returns the zero-based index of the item to be expanded as a result of a call to StartAutoExpandTimer or SetAutoExpand.


int WINAPI SftTree_GetAutoExpandItem(HWND hwndCtl);
int WINAPI SftTreeSplit_GetAutoExpandItem(HWND hwndCtl);


int CSftTree::GetAutoExpandItem() const;
int CSftTreeSplit::GetAutoExpandItem() const;



The window handle of the tree control.


GetAutoExpandItem returns the zero-based index of the item to be expanded as a result of a call to StartAutoExpandTimer or SetAutoExpand.


The GetAutoExpandItem function returns the zero-based index of the item to be expanded as a result of a call to StartAutoExpandTimer or SetAutoExpand.

The index returned by GetAutoExpandItem is valid immediately after a call to StartAutoExpandTimer or while the mouse hovers over a collapsed parent item, even before the item needs to be expanded using a SFTTREEN_AUTOEXPANDING notification.  Once the SFTTREEN_AUTOEXPANDING notification occurs, GetExpandCollapseIndex is used to retrieve the index value.

See Also  C/C++ API  |  CategoriesNotifications


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