/* SftTabs/DLL 6.0 - Tab Control for C/C++                                  */
/* SftTabs/DLL 6.0 - Itanium Edition                                        */
/* SftTabs/DLL 6.0 - x64 Edition                                            */
/* SftTabs/DLL 6.0 - Windows Mobile Edition                                 */
/* Copyright (C) 1994, 2009  Softel vdm, Inc. All Rights Reserved.          */

#include "stdafx.h"

// CSampleView


#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

    // Standard printing commands

/*- Tab Control Initialization Data --------------------------------------------*/

static const SFTTABS_CONTROL CtlInit = {
    SFTTABSSTYLE_MODERN_I,               /* tab style */
    1,                                   /* number of rows */
    0,                                   /* number of tabs per row (if fFixed) */
    2,                                   /* width of left margin */
    0,                                   /* width of right margin */
    FALSE,                               /* same width for all tabs */
    TRUE,                                /* Client area wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* allow multiline label text */
    TRUE,                                /* use with dialog */
    FALSE,                               /* use specified background color only for text */
    TRUE,                                /* scrollable tabs */
    FALSE,                               /* hide scroll buttons */
    FALSE,                               /* bold font for active tab wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* fill rows completely */
    NULL,                                /* scroll button bitmap */
    NULL,                                /* Dialog data associated with active tab */
    NULL,                                /* Dialog window handle associated with active tab */
    NULL,                                /* Frame, used as client area */
    TRUE,                                /* Tooltips wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* drop text if it doesn't fit */
    FALSE,                               /* conditional scroll buttons */
    BMBUTTONSTYLE_THEME_SCROLL,          /* scroll button style */
    TRUE,                                /* display ... if truncated */
    TRUE,                                /* Flyby highlighting */
    TRUE,                                /* use client area colors in partially obscured frames */
    TRUE,                                /* scroll buttons on left side */
    -1,                                  /* row indentation */
    FALSE,                               /* don't show truncated pattern for clipped tab */
    TRUE,                                /* full size scroll buttons */
    TRUE,                                /* use themes on Windows XP */
    TRUE,                                /* use exact window region */
    FALSE,                               /* always show prefix _ */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* disabled button bitmap */
    TRUE,                                /* focus rectangle if the control has i/p focus */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Close button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Close button disabled */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if WM_CLOSE message wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize, Restore, Close buttons are full size */
    SFTTABS_BUTTON_NEAR,                 /* scroll button alignment */
    SFTTABS_BUTTON_NEAR,                 /* Minimize, Restore, Close button alignment */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Minimize button disabled */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Restore button wanted */
    FALSE,                               /* TRUE if Restore button disabled */
    NULL,                                /* Close, Minimize, Restore button bitmap */
    NULL,                                /* Close, Minimize, Restore disabled button bitmap */
    TEXT(""),                            /* scroll left button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* scroll button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Close button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Minimize button tooltip */
    TEXT(""),                            /* Restore button tooltip */
    0,                                   /* custom modifications */
    0,                                   /* forced height/width depending on tab style - 0 to ignore */
    FALSE,                               /* switch tabs on button release (or down if FALSE) */
    FALSE,                               /* Rendering compatible with pre-6.0 */
    FALSE,                               /* don't display clientarea border - select styles only */

static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab0 = {   /*&1 Text */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    0,                                   /* reserved */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab1 = {   /*&2 Statistics */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    0,                                   /* reserved */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab2 = {   /*&3 Attributes */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    0,                                   /* reserved */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */
static const SFTTABS_TAB Tab3 = {   /*S&oftel vdm, Inc. */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR, SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,    /* background, foreground color (when selected) */
    { SFTTABS_GRAPH_NONE, 0 },           /* location */
    TRUE,                                /* enabled/disabled */
    0,                                   /* userdata */
    0,                                   /* reserved */
    NULL,                                /* reserved */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Flyby foreground color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* Client area background color */
    0,0,0,0,                             /* animation values */
    NULL,                                /* tab-specific ImageList handle*/
    FALSE,                               /* hidden tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill background color, active tab */
    SFTTABS_NOCOLOR,                     /* gradient fill client area color */

// CSampleView construction/destruction

    : CFormView(CSampleView::IDD)
        // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
    // TODO: add construction code here



void CSampleView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
        // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here

void CSampleView::OnInitialUpdate()


    // turn off scroll bars for this formview
    SIZE sz;
    sz.cx = sz.cy = 0;
    SetScrollSizes(MM_TEXT, sz);

// CSampleView diagnostics

#ifdef _DEBUG
void CSampleView::AssertValid() const

void CSampleView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const

SDIDoc* CSampleView::GetDocument() // non-debug version is inline
    return (SDIDoc*)m_pDocument;
#endif //_DEBUG

// CSampleView message handlers

void CSampleView::OnDestroy() 
    // Remove all pages from the tab control
    TerminateTabControl(this, &m_MainTab);
    // Unregister, or the window properties used won't be removed

    // the logo page must be explicitly delete'd
    delete m_pTabLogo;


void CSampleView::OnTabSwitching()
    // Switching away from the current tab
    TabSwitching(this, &m_MainTab);

void CSampleView::OnTabSwitched()
    // In case no one else wants to be an active view (such as the CLogo page),
    // we'll make the main view current

    // Switch to the new tab
    TabSwitched(this, &m_MainTab);

    // When switching tabs, views "grab" the input focus. You can explicitly set the
    // focus back to the tab control 

int CSampleView::OnMouseActivate( CWnd* pDesktopWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message)
    // We need to intercept this and pass it to CWnd (instead of CView/CFormView), because
    // we don't want a mouse click to activate this view.  We need the view attached to
    // the tab control to remain active
    return CWnd::OnMouseActivate(pDesktopWnd, nHitTest, message);

void CSampleView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
    CFormView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
    if (m_MainTab.m_hWnd) {
        CRect rect;
        m_MainTab.MapWindowPoints(this, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2);
        m_MainTab.MoveWindow(rect.left, rect.top, cx-2*rect.left, cy-rect.top - rect.left, TRUE);

BOOL CSampleView::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext) 
    if (!CFormView::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID, pContext))
        return FALSE;

    m_SavedContext = *pContext;  // save so we can use it later

    int index;

    /* Associate the tab control created from the dialog       */
    /* resource with the C++ object.                           */
    m_MainTab.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_MAINTAB, this /* parent window */);

    /* You could use DDX/DDV instead and add the following     */
    /* line to the DoDataExchange function of the tab          */
    /* control's parent window (remove the //).                */
    // DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_MAINTAB, m_MainTab);

    /* Initialization is faster if we set redraw off */

    m_pTabEdit = new CTabEdit();         // Edit FormView
    m_pTabStats = new CStatsPage();      // Statistics page
    m_pTabAttr = new CAttrPage();        // Attributes page
    m_pTabLogo = new CLogo();            // Logo page

    /* We are using new features */

    index = m_MainTab.AddTab(_T("&1 Text"));
    m_MainTab.SetToolTip(index, _T("Displays the currently opened file"));
    m_MainTab.SetTabInfo(index, &Tab0);
    m_MainTab.SetTabWindowPage(index, m_pTabEdit);
    m_pTabEdit->SaveContext(&m_SavedContext); // save doc/view context

    index = m_MainTab.AddTab(_T("&2 Statistics"));
    m_MainTab.SetToolTip(index, _T("Shows file information"));
    m_MainTab.SetTabInfo(index, &Tab1);
    m_MainTab.SetTabWindowPage(index, m_pTabStats);
    m_pTabStats->SaveContext(&m_SavedContext); // save doc/view context

    index = m_MainTab.AddTab(_T("&3 Attributes"));
    m_MainTab.SetToolTip(index, _T("Changes font and printer margin information"));
    m_MainTab.SetTabInfo(index, &Tab2);
    m_MainTab.SetTabWindowPage(index, m_pTabAttr);
    m_pTabAttr->SaveContext(&m_SavedContext); // save doc/view context

    index = m_MainTab.AddTab(_T("S&oftel vdm, Inc."));
    m_MainTab.SetToolTip(index, _T("Company logo"));
    m_MainTab.SetTabInfo(index, &Tab3);
    m_MainTab.SetTabWindowPage(index, m_pTabLogo);


    // Make sure to turn redraw back on
    m_MainTab.InvalidateRect(NULL, TRUE);

    // If you are not using the sheet/page classes, remove the call to InitializeTabControl.
    // Initialize tab control
    InitializeTabControl(this, 0, &m_MainTab, NULL);
    // Mark the view as a main, tabbed window (so accel. keys work) by registering it.

    // resize this formview based on size of dialog in resource
    return TRUE;

#if defined(USING_RICHEDIT)
# if defined(_WIN64)
static DWORD CALLBACK StreamInCallback(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb)
# else
static DWORD CALLBACK StreamInCallback(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb)
# endif
    CArchive* pAr = (CArchive*) dwCookie;
    *pcb = pAr->Read(pbBuff, cb);
    return 0;

void CSampleView::Serialize(CArchive& ar) 
    if (ar.IsStoring())
    {   // storing code
    else {
        // loading code
#if defined(USING_RICHEDIT)
        EDITSTREAM es;
# if defined(_WIN64)
        es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR) &ar;
# else
        es.dwCookie = (DWORD) &ar;
# endif
        es.pfnCallback = StreamInCallback; 
        m_pTabEdit->GetRichEditCtrl().StreamIn(SF_TEXT, es);

void CSampleView::DoDeleteContents()
    // clear edit control contents
#if defined(USING_RICHEDIT)
    COurEdit& editCtrl = m_pTabEdit->GetRichEditCtrl();
    COurEdit& editCtrl = m_pTabEdit->GetEditCtrl();
    CString str(
        _T("This sample application uses a CFormView with a tab control.\r\n")
        _T("The first tab has an attached CRichEditView, the second and\r\n")
        _T("third tab are CFormViews, the last tab is a CWnd.\r\n")
        _T("Notice how tabbing into/out of the pages is possible, along\r\n")
        _T("with accelerator keys (Alt+xxx).\r\n")
        _T("If the main window is resized, the tab control along with its\r\n")
        _T("pages is resized and tab scrolling is possible.\r\n")
        _T("This sample uses the document/view architecture offered by MFC.\r\n")
    // and switch to first tab

COurEdit& CSampleView::GetEditControl()
#if defined(USING_RICHEDIT)
    return m_pTabEdit->GetRichEditCtrl();
    return m_pTabEdit->GetEditCtrl();