SftTree/OCX 7.0

SftTree.PlusMinusPictureLeafH Property

Softel vdm, Inc.

Defines the graphic used to display a leaf item's plus/minus graphic.

Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use Items.PlusMinusImageLeaf.PictureH instead




Handle = object.PlusMinusPictureLeafH  As Integer


Handle = object.PlusMinusPictureLeafH  As OLE_HANDLE


int Handle = object.PlusMinusPictureLeafH;


OLE_HANDLE Handle = object->PlusMinusPictureLeafH;
OLE_HANDLE Handle = object->GetPlusMinusPictureLeafH();


HRESULT object->get_PlusMinusPictureLeafH(OLE_HANDLE* Handle);


Handle := object.PlusMinusPictureLeafH  : Cardinal;



object.PlusMinusPictureLeafH = Handle  As Integer


object.PlusMinusPictureLeafH = Handle  As OLE_HANDLE


int object.PlusMinusPictureLeafH = Handle;


OLE_HANDLE object->PlusMinusPictureLeafH = Handle;
void object->PutPlusMinusPictureLeafH(OLE_HANDLE Handle);


HRESULT object->put_PlusMinusPictureLeafH(OLE_HANDLE Handle);


object.PlusMinusPictureLeafH := Handle  : Cardinal;


A SftTree object.


A bitmap handle.  Defines the graphic used to display a leaf item's plus/minus graphic.  This bitmap handle has to remain valid until the tree control no longer uses it.  The application has to destroy the bitmap handle once it is no longer needed.  The top, left pixel of each graphic must contain the background color.  This color will be replaced by the actual background when the graphic is displayed.


Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use Items.PlusMinusImageLeaf.PictureH instead

The PlusMinusPictureLeafH property defines the graphic used to display a leaf item's plus/minus graphic.

The PlusMinusPictureLeaf and PlusMinusPictureLeafH properties are synonyms, but accept different value types (Picture object reference or Windows bitmap handle).

The PlusMinusPictureLeafH property is used to define the plus/minus graphic displayed for an item which doesn't have any dependents.  All items which don't have any dependents will be displayed with this plus/minus graphic.  Individual items cannot override the plus/minus graphic.

Plus/minus graphics are not shown until the properties Items.PlusMinusImageExpandable and Items.PlusMinusImageExpanded define valid graphics.  The Items.PlusMinusImageLeaf property is optional.

All graphics used in a tree control as Items.PlusMinusImageExpandable, Items.PlusMinusImageExpanded and Items.PlusMinusImageLeaf properties at the same time must be the same size (height and width).  The dimensions of the graphics are used to calculate the minimum dimension for items, so graphics used as plus/minus graphics are never clipped vertically.  To change the plus/minus graphic size, the plus/minus graphics properties Items.PlusMinusImageExpandable, Items.PlusMinusImageExpanded and Items.PlusMinusImageLeaf must be set to the value Nothing (NULL) before assigning new plus/minus graphics.

If an item is disabled (see Item.Enabled property), the plus/minus graphic is drawn in a "grayed" fashion, if it is based on a bitmap. Other image types, like color samples, .NET image objects, etc., must be explicitly replaced with a grayed image if a different rendering of a disabled image is desired.

The PlusMinusImageLeafH property can be set to the value 0 (NULL).  Plus/minus graphics are then no longer displayed for leaf items.

See Also  SftTree Object | Object Hierarchy

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