SftTree/OCX 7.0

SftTree.VirtualItem Event

Softel vdm, Inc.

The virtual data source is called to provide item information.



Private Sub object_VirtualItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgumentType) Handles object.VirtualItem


Private Sub object_VirtualItem(ByVal RowIndex As Long, ItemObject As VirtualItem)


void object_VirtualItem(object sender, EventArgumentType e);


void OnVirtualItemobject(long RowIndex, IVirtItem* ItemObject);


HRESULT OnVirtualItemobject(long RowIndex, IVirtItem* ItemObject);


procedure objectVirtualItem(Sender: TObject; RowIndex : Integer; ItemObject : IVirtItem);


A SftTree object.


The zero-based index number of the item for which item information is requested.


A VirtualItem object which should be updated by the application to reflect the item attributes.


The VirtualItem event occurs when the virtual data source is called to provide item information.

The VirtualItem event occurs when the tree control is in virtual mode (see VirtualMode).  The event must be implemented by the application to provide information and item attributes to SftTree/OCX.

SftTree/OCX caches the items that are currently displayed in the tree control's client area.  If an item is changed by the application's virtual data source (i.e. its external data source), the VirtualItemChanged method should be called to notify SftTree/OCX.

To enable graphics components, the VirtualPictures method must be used.  The VirtualCount method is used to define the number of items represented by the tree control.

The VirtualItem object is used by the application to set all properties for the the requested item RowIndex.  The application provides all data for the requested item RowIndex using the VirtualItem.Item property.

While handling the VirtualItem event, the application cannot modify or retrieve any tree control attributes.

See Also  SftTree Object | Object Hierarchy

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