SftTree/DLL 6.5

Progress Bar

Softel vdm, Inc.

SftTree/DLL supports a simple progress bar display in each cell. If enabled, the progress bar is rendered as cell background, with the cell text and image displayed in the cell as usual. For a partial height progress bar, the cell background is also rendered using the defined background colors.

The progress bar can be enabled in a cell using SFTTREE_CELL, progressMax and progressVal. The progress bar colors are defined using the structure members colorProgress and colorProgressEnd.

C Sample

HWND hwndTree;
CellInfo.version = 7;
CellInfo.index = itemIndex;
CellInfo.iCol = col;
SftTree_GetCellInfo(hwndTree, &CellInfo);
CellInfo.Cell.progressMax = 100;    // maximum value 0 - 100
CellInfo.Cell.progressVal = 33;     // current value
SftTree_SetCellInfo(hwndTree, &CellInfo);

C++/MFC Sample

CSftTree m_Tree;
CellInfo.version = 7;
CellInfo.index = i;
CellInfo.iCol = 0;
CellInfo.Cell.progressMax = 100;    // maximum value 0 - 100
CellInfo.Cell.progressVal = 33;     // current value


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