using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using Softelvdm.SftTabsNET;
using Softelvdm.Controls;

namespace InitSample1 {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        public Form1() {

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

            // This sample demonstrates how to populate a tab control and its tab pages
            // with controls. Of course, it's possible (and easier) to do this at design-time
            // without the need to write code!
            // To prepare for this sample, create a new project with a blank form and add
            // a SftTabs/NET control named sftTabs1.
            // In addition, adjust the following FromFile methods to use a (small) bitmap
            // that is located on your system.

            Image img1 = Bitmap.FromFile("..\\..\\test1.png");
            Image img2 = Bitmap.FromFile("..\\..\\test2.png");

            sftTabs1.Initializing = true;

            // Tab 1 with a listbox
            TabClass tb = sftTabs1.TabCollection.Add();
            tb.Image = img1;
            tb.ImagePart.PartAlignment = PartAlignmentEnum.Center;
            tb.Text = "Tab &1\nwith a listbox";
            tb.TextPart.PartAlignment = PartAlignmentEnum.Center;
            tb.TextPart.HAlign = HAlignmentOptionalEnum.Center;

            ListBox listBox = new ListBox();
            listBox.Parent = sftTabs1;
            listBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            listBox.IntegralHeight = false;
            listBox.Items.Add("listbox item 1");
            listBox.Items.Add("listbox item 2");
            listBox.Items.Add("listbox item 3");
            this.sftTabs1.SetTab(listBox, 0); // add it to tab index 0 "Tab 1"

            // Tab 2 with a text box
            tb = sftTabs1.TabCollection.Add();
            tb.Orientation = OrientationOptionalEnum.Vertical;
            tb.Image = img2;
            tb.ImagePart.PartAlignment = PartAlignmentEnum.Center;
            tb.ImagePart.HAlign = HAlignmentOptionalEnum.Center;
            tb.Text = "Tab &2\nwith a text box";
            tb.TextPart.PartAlignment = PartAlignmentEnum.Center;
            tb.TextPart.HAlign = HAlignmentOptionalEnum.Center;

            TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
            textBox.Parent = sftTabs1;
            textBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            textBox.Multiline = true;
            textBox.Text = "This\r\nis\r\na\r\ntextbox.\r\n";
            this.sftTabs1.SetTab(textBox, 1); // add it to tab index 1 "Tab 2"

            // Make the first tab active
            sftTabs1.Current = 0;

            sftTabs1.Initializing = false;