SftTabs/DLL 6.0


Softel vdm, Inc.

Loads a GDI+ image from an application's or DLL's resources.


LPVOID SftTabs_LoadGDIPlusImageFromResource(HMODULE hInst,
        LPCTSTR lpszResourceType, LPCTSTR lpszResourceName);



The instance handle of the application or DLL containing the resource.


The resource type. Can be a string or an identifier using the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro.


The resource name. Can be a string or an identifier using the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro.


If successful, the return value is a Gdiplus::Image pointer or NULL if the function failed.


Loads a GDI+ image from an application's or DLL's resources.

This function is mainly intended for applications written using C. Because Gdiplus is C++ based, C applications don't readily have access to the Gdiplus::Image class and cannot use Bitmap::FromResource to load a GDI+ image. Using SftTabs_LoadGDIPlusImageFromResource even C applications can use GDI+ images, without needing access to GDI+ itself.

The application retains ownership of the Gdiplus::Image pointer returned by SftTabs_LoadGDIPlusImageFromResource. Once the image is no longer needed, it can be released using SftTabs_FreeGDIPlusImageLoadedFromResource, which frees the associated memory.

LoadGDIPlusImageFromResource provides essentially the same service as the GDI+ Bitmap::FromResource function.

Please note that GDI+ images cannot be defined as BITMAP resources. They must be included as custom resources. The Images sample demonstrates how this is accomplished.

Information specific to SftTabs/DLL Windows Mobile EditionWindows Mobile Edition:  SftTabs_LoadGDIPlusImageFromResource is not supported.

See Also  C/C++ API  |  C++ Classes  |  Notifications

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