SftTabs/DLL 6.0


Softel vdm, Inc.

Creates or activates a page.


    virtual BOOL CSftTabsWindowPage::ActivatePage(CWnd* pParent, CSftTabs* pTabCtl) = 0;



The CWnd based object describing the tab control's parent window.


A pointer to the tab control's CSftTabs based object.


If TRUE is returned, the page was successfully created and activated, otherwise FALSE is returned.


The ActivatePage function creates or activates a page.

The CSftTabsWindowSheet class implementation calls this member function to create the window associated with a page or to make the page visible.

Your CWnd based class must implement ActivatePage.


This example shows the suggested implementation of the ActivatePage function:

BOOL CYourPage::ActivatePage(CWnd* pParent, CSftTabs* pTabCtl)
    // This is called when the user switches to a page
    if (!m_hWnd) { 
        // The window doesn't exist, create it now. Make sure it's NOT VISIBLE 
        // You can modify this to create another type of window instead. 
        // The exact syntax of the Create function used depends on the base 
        // class used. 
        if (!Create(.... // Create the window 
                WS_TABSTOP| // Tabstop style is important 
                CRect(0,0,0,0), // location 
                pParent, // Parent Window 
                a_control_id)) // control ID 
                // make sure the above control ID does not collide with 
                // IDs used by other pages or by the tab control itself 
            return FALSE; 
        // Additional initialization if desired 
    } else { 
        // The user switched back to this page
    // This page is now active
    SftTabs_SetPageActive(m_hWnd, pTabCtl->m_hWnd, NULL);
    // Enable + show it, its size is 0,0,0,0, it will be resized by the tab control 
    return TRUE; 

See Also  C/C++ API  |  C++ Classes  |  Notifications

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