SftTabs/DLL 6.0


Softel vdm, Inc.

Called when the user clicks the OK button (the button with an ID of IDOK).


virtual BOOL CSftTabsPage::OnOK();


The OnOK function is called when the user clicks the OK button (the button with an ID of IDOK).

Override this member function to perform the OK button action.

The default implementation of this member function doesn't respond to the button. It is up to the application to override this function to do any processing. Usually, the OK button is located on the parent dialog, not on a page attached to a tab, so the CSftTabsDialog::OnOK member function would process the OK button event.


This example shows an OnOK member function of a CSftTabsPage based object. The page implements its own OK button. To process the OK button, it calls the parent dialog's OnOK member function.

void CPage4::OnOK()
    // Send OK to parent 

See Also  C/C++ API  |  C++ Classes  |  Notifications

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